Gifts to Wherever Needed Most contribute to...
Westminster's Wherever Needed Most fund is our most diverse fund, allowing donor dollars to go to any area that is most urgently needed. Often times this means funding is supporting student scholarships to keep Westminster competitive in the higher education marketplace. It can also aid in funding for emergent, unpredictable needs and allow our leadership team to respond readily to the needs of our students.
100% of our students currently receive financial aid. As a result of the high demand, a robust and flexible unrestricted giving area such as Wherever Needed Most remains a priority area of need every year, with a focus of replenishing for the next class of incoming Titans.
View All DonorsMost Recent Donors
Chris Carmody
Carly Hartzell
Jim Giel
Brad & Renee Wentzel
Carolyn & John Simpson
Carroll Edgar
Pete and Marj Slonaker
Edward and Carolyne Sparber
Olyva (Adams) Liddell
John Hepler
Joe and Kathy Plummer
Jeff McCandless
Jeff McCandless
Ted '93 & Patty Kerr
Mark '84 & Ellen '85 Allston