Transforming Lives. Shaping the Future.

Northern Michigan University’s distinctive academic and career programs are nurtured by exceptional teaching and extensive opportunities for scholarship, creativity and engagement. Our supportive, connected community empowers students, graduates, faculty and staff to contribute to a diverse and sustainable world.


Campaigns at Northern Michigan University

Join NMU on Giving Tuesday to address key student needs. Together, we can make a difference and show our community’s strength.
NMU Women's Soccer Locker Room Project

NMU Women's Soccer Locker Room Project

The future of Women's Soccer begins with you.


86 Donors


$10,225 Donated

NMU Giving Day 4.18.2024

Give 1x on April 18 and receive 2x the love!


562 Donors


$220,117 Donated

Your generosity offers opportunities for students to discover their unique talents that will make a lasting influence on them and the world.

Make a Gift