Gifts to College of Arts & Sciences Wish List contribute to...
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The College of Arts & Sciences Wish List items were chosen carefully by faculty and administrators. These items often cannot be funded by departmental budgets alone, are high-need, and will greatly enhance the scholarly experience for students and faculty in the college.
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View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Nancy J. Curtin

Elise Wildman



Justin, A, DeBo & Emily Long

Erik Schroeder & Jennifer Schroeder

Reginald T Jordan

Stacey Randall

Katherine S. Fueger
Generous Millikin Trustees
Offered a $50,000 match
Alyse Knust
Generated 1514 clicks and 150 gifts, totaling $28,851Community Advocates
Generated 273 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $700Jefferson Farber
Gave $500 during a Challenge!