Gifts to College of Health Professions contribute to...
Orange & Black Give Back: A Week of Giving is Mercer’s online-based fundraising event to increase awareness, support and donor participation for the College of Health Professions. The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, May 1, and end at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 5. It’s all about participation. Help us increase support for much needed student scholarships and academic resources by making a gift to Mercer during Orange & Black Give Back.
Limited Edition Week of Giving 2023 T-Shirt
Donate $20
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Bryan and Rhonda Wagoner

Audra S Wilkerson

Amanda M Outly

Arlene Salmon

Alyssa Lorenzen


Ann Lucado

Thad and Darlene Warren
Offered a $30,000 match
Courtney O’Loughlin
Gave $15,000 during a Challenge!
Brian and Kelly Smith
Generated 28 gifts, totaling $9,569
Offered a $5,000 match
Tom Bishop
Offered a $10,000 match
Gen. Claude “Mick” Kicklighter & Mrs. Betty Kicklighter
Gave $10,000 during a Challenge!
An anonymous donor
Offered a $10,000 match
President William & Mrs. Lesli Underwood
Offered a $6,000 match
Todd Smith
Generated 123 clicks and 23 gifts, totaling $5,892An anonymous MUSM Graduate
Offered a $5,000 match
Lee Bowers
Offered a $4,000 match