Each of the disciplines in the Department of Economics, Global and Comparative Studies, and Political Science employs scientific methods to explain and predict human behavior. That means our courses encourage critical and objective thinking and the ability to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively, to communicate clearly, and to identify the ethical dimensions of political, economic, and social phenomena.
“I always knew that the responsibility for financing my education was my own. Although I was nervous, I believed that if something was meant to be then it would be. As I started to notice scholarships rolling in, I knew that BSC was the place for me. I have learned that the people in my life at BSC and around Birmingham have a huge role in shaping who I am going to become. The people in our lives, whether they are friends or are only there for a moment, teach us things about ourselves every single day.” – Robyn Gulley ‘20, Political Science, Hess Fellow, Human Rights/Conflict Studies minor