Young Alumni (those of us who graduated in the past 10 years) now comprise over 40% of WP's total alumni population. With such great numbers we have the ability to make a significant impact to help the current students make it through to graduation. To do so, the Young Alumni Council is encouraging all young alumni classmates to make a contribution OF ANY AMOUNT to create an annual scholarship together!
Our goal is to have 100 or more WP classmates contribute. If each person gives even just $10, we'll be able to fund a scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year! If you can give more, please do and we'll increase our impact or even be able to give multiple Young Alumni Scholarships!
We are many and if we all participate we can make a huge difference!
Thank you for considering a contribution!

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Orange and Black - Give Back! campaign for a Young Alumni Scholarship! The combined generosity of many amassed $1,145 which will now be made available as a scholarship for students this fall. Each person who provided a gift, shared on their social media, and supported this effort has the sincere thanks of everyone at WP. You young alumni and supporters made this happen and will directly impact students striving to achieve their goals. Thank you!

Congratulations to all the generous supporters of the Young Alumni Scholarship! A recent gift has pushed this new scholarship over the $1,000 mark and up to 33 donors!
ONLY 3 days remain in the Orange and Black - Give Back! campaign so please continue to share and encourage others to join you in supporting this student impact fund.
Thank you and great job!
Today WP opened our scholarship application period and over the coming weeks students will apply to receive over a million dollars in scholarships funded by donors like you! Thanks to your help the Young Alumni Scholarship will continue to grow our scholarship program and provide future alumni key financial assistance.
Now two weeks into Orange and Black - Give Back, we're at 26% of our donor goal and have raised over $800! Already impressive but we still have a distance to go to reach 100 donors total over the next two weeks.
Please continue to encourage and ask others to donate towards this important cause. Your Will.Power. will shine through in every share!
Thank you for all you do for the students of William Paterson!

Congratulations! Another milestone reached by having 20 donors make gifts. Many other 2's at play here: 20% of goal, 2 matching gifts remaining to be claimed, and 22 days left in our campaign. Please continue to share and encourage classmates and friends to join you in support!

At the completion of our first week we've already done some great things! The first ever challenge was successful (unlocking an additional donation from YAC/AEC member Carlos Cano), we generated 18 gifts (many from first time donors THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!), and we've gone past the $500 mark! Don't forget, there are still four unclaimed matches from YAC VP Michele Garcia too.
Let's keep the momentum up. If you're an advocate but haven't yet made your gift, please make it today so our participation keeps rising. Remember, you can make a small gift to be included in the donor count AND make a matching gift to help increase the impact for others!
Other ways you can help today on the advocates tab:
- Start a match and offer it outright OR email it directly to friends
- Create a personal plea video to share (MUCH more direct and impactful!)
- Share the campaign on Facebook and Twitter
- Share with LinkedIn, email, or event TEXT with the Copy Link to Share button (your campaign looks very nice as an iMessage)
Thank you all for your support of this scholarship for WP students!

Only two days into the campaign and we've already hit our first milestone reaching 10% of our goal!
In addition, two generous Young Alumni donors have established a challenge and a match! When you share this campaign with others, be sure to let them know the next 12 donations will have an additional $5 added to it and if we get six more donors we unlock an additional $50 gift.
Thank you everyone who has already contributed and shared!
2850 days ago by Max SeelandThe Young Alumni Scholarship campaign is LIVE and we've already received our first gifts! Thank you to everyone who has and will generously support this impactful scholarship.
Also, thank you to YAC Vice President Michele Garcia for starting our first MATCH! Michele will add $5 per donor for the next 17 people who give (and has already matched three donors)! Off to a strong start, let's make this a huge success!

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