Mayor's Cup Challenge - Fill the Cup 2023

382% of 300 Donor goal
This campaign ended on January 12, 2023, but you can still make a gift to Walsh University by clicking here!

Sword’s Up, Fill the Cup!

This rivalry runs deep! For over 60 years, Malone University has always brought out the competitive spirit in Walsh University alumni, fans, parents and students.

The Mayor’s Cup Challenge will now take our rivalry with Malone to a whole new level. We need your help, Cav Nation! Let’s Beat Malone!

Beginning on Thursday, January 5th, you will go head-to-head in a donor challenge. Every donation made to the Mayor’s Cup Challenge, no matter the size, counts and makes an impact in the lives of our more than 700 student-athletes so, let’s fill the cup!

It's Game Day! Beat Malone!

Make your gift before 6 p.m. and BEAT MALONE.  Swords Up!!!!  

760 days ago by Karen Hodge

An anonymous donor issued Walsh a $5000 challenge to secure a donation from a member of each of Walsh's 59 graduating classes.

Challenge accepted!

Challenge met!

762 days ago by Karen Hodge
Challenge Met!

CAV Nation, you really rallied yesterday.  An anonymous donor pledged to give us $50 for every donor - up to $5000 - and YOU met that challenge in record time.  Within hours of announcing the match, we had completed it.

THANK YOU!  You are helping us BEAT MALONE!


762 days ago by Karen Hodge

763 days ago by Karen Hodge
Double the Impact of Your Generosity

MATCH SECURED!  An anonymous donor matched $1500 in donations.

766 days ago by Karen Hodge
A Donor From Every Class Year
Class YearDonorsRaised ($)
Most Recent Donors
Kallie photo
An Anonymous Donor
Uncle David photo
Uncle David
Jason Brown photo
Jason Brown
An Anonymous Donor
Aunt Darla photo
Aunt Darla
Zach Sheppard photo
Zach Sheppard
Sophie Knori photo
Sophie Knori
An Anonymous Donor
J. Koontz photo
J. Koontz
View All Donors



Offered a $7,500 match


Offered a $5,000 match

Didado Family Foundation

Offered a $2,500 match

Community Advocates

Generated 193 clicks and 45 gifts, totaling $1,850

Tony Orahoske

Gave $1,500 during a Challenge!


Offered a $1,500 match

Michelle Biery

Generated 2 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $600

Elissa Prazer

Generated 223 clicks and 77 gifts, totaling $379

Karen Hodge

Generated 89 clicks and 36 gifts, totaling $335

Carmela Venditti Bendetta

Generated 143 clicks and 21 gifts, totaling $181
View All Advocates