Make Way for USA 2024

102% of 1,000 Donor goal
This campaign ended on April 10, 2024, but you can still make a gift to University of South Alabama by clicking here!

Make Way for USA allows you to support any aspect of USA and USA Health. For 24 hours, the entire USA community will come together to expand opportunities for students and enable USA Health to continue transforming medicine along the Gulf Coast. No matter where you give, your support makes a difference. We invite you to give with purpose and support what matters most to you, whether that’s a scholarship, department, or other need where your passion lies.

As a valued member of the USA family, your generosity makes our work possible. Alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of the University all play important roles in making USA the Flagship of the Gulf Coast.

What can the USA community achieve in 24 hours? Let’s find out together!

Make Way for USA President's Challenge

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313 days ago by Wesley Clark
Designations Leaderboard
DesignationsDonorsRaised ($)
Melton McLaurin Endowed Graduate Fellowship in History0$0
Melton Center General Fund0$0
Melton Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Endowed Fund0$0
Melton Center Minority Business Accelerator Program0$0
Memorial Tree0$0
Men's Basketball Fast Break Club Jaguar Athletic Fund4$151
Merceria Ludgood Community Leadership Scholarship0$0
Men's Golf Birdie Club Jaguar Athletic Fund1$50
Michael A. Swinton HIV/AIDS Awareness Initiative Endowment0$0
Michael & Michele Mayberry Order of the Arrow End Scholar0$0
Meteorology Gifts0$0
Mesonet Donation Fund1$25
Michael S. McGlothren Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship0$0
Michael and Margaret Neely Endowed Scholarship in Supply Chain Management0$0
Michael C. and Patsy B. Dow Endowed Scholarship0$0
Michael S. Hanna Endowed Communication Scholarship Fund4$568
Michael T. Dowdy Memorial Award0$0
Michael W. Meshad Endowed Scholarship Fund for Pre-Med Students in Arts and Sciences0$0
Michael W. Esfeller, Sr. Memorial Mobile Oilmen's Association Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Mike and Kim Jones Endowed Scholarship0$0
Mike and Ginni Boyd Endowment for Jaguar Women's Basketball0$0
Microbiology Research Foster0$0
Mike Bartels Music Scholarship Fund1$100
Mike deGruy Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Milton Leigh Endowed Professorship0$0
Mildred Coleman Starnes Nursing Scholarship0$0
Military Science Opr Sup0$0
Mildred Elizabeth Corcoran Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Minority Student Services0$0
Mishra Memorial Endowment in Mathematics and Statistics4$180
Mitchell Cancer Institute Austin Lacey Fund0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute59$7,180
Mitchell Cancer Institute Breast Friends For Life Support Bags0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Awareness Ribbon Campaign0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Culinary Medicine Program0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Courtney Upton Memorial Fund0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Dr. Phillip Rubin Chair in Oncology0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Chemo Sabe0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Fairhope1$25
Mitchell Cancer Institute Fairhope Endowment Fund1$25
Mitchell Cancer Institute Fairhope Equipment0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Lena T. Boggs and Ivan H. Butler Supportive Oncology Endowment0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Hung T. Khong, M.D. Clinical Trials Endowment0$0
Mitchell Center Operations0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Mary Kate Foster Cancer Protocol Education Fund0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Kiosk0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Palliative Care Endowment Fund0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Patient Assistance Fund Snack Food0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Radiation Oncology Endowment Fund6$163
Mitchell Cancer Institute Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise Patient & Family Resource Center Endowment0$0
Mitchell Cancer Institute Sherry Barletta Pastoral Care Endowment1$130
Mitchell College of Business 50th Anniversary Scholarship Fund0$0
Mitchell College of Business1$50
Mitchell College of Business Brick Program0$0
Mitchell College of Business Student Investment Club0$0
Mitchell College of Business International Scholarship Fund0$0
Mitchell College of Business Development Fund2$300
Mitchell College of Business Executive Advisory Council Lead0$0
Mitchell College of Business Student Success Fund15$2,150
Mitchell College of Business Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Fund0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Allied Health0$0
Mitchell Endowment0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Arts & Sciences0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Business Endowment0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Baldwin County0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Engineering Endowment0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Education Endowment0$0
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - General Endowment6$1,040
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative - Nursing25$2,530
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative-School of Computing2$250
Mitchell Student Access and Success Initiatives0$0
Mitchell Scholars Program0$0
Mobile Society for Human Resource Management Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Mitchell Scholars Pay It Forward Scholarship0$0
Mitsubishi Polysilicon Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineer0$0
Mobile Area Lodging Association Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Mobile Area Math Puzzle Event1$60
Mobile Bay Heritage Award Endowed Fund0$0
Modern/Classical Languages & Literature Gifts0$0
Mobile County Foundation for Public Higher Educ. Scholarship0$0
Mobile County Road Builders Association Endowed Scholarship0$0
Mobile Rock and Gem Scholarship0$0
Mobile Jaycees Azalea Trail Endowed Scholarship Fund1$260
Mockett's Longevity Research Funds0$0
Morgan Lee Memorial Book Endowment0$0
Moore Family Endowed Scholarship in Education0$0
Mostellar & Shreve LLP Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Mortar Board Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Mozur Russian Language Scholarship0$0
Musical Arts Society0$0
MPA Endowed Alumni Scholarship Fund0$0
Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Cobb Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Musculoskeletal Neurological Oncologist Endowment0$0
Multidisciplinary Center for Prostate Cancer0$0
Murray Bander Endowment for the Center for Lung Biology0$0
Music Department Gifts from Friends-Keyboard Area0$0
Music Scholarships0$0
Music Department/Music Special Projects (Steinway Initiative)3$455
Nafisa Iqbal Memorial Scholarship for Muslim Studies Endowment Fund1$250
National Alumni Association Board of Directors Endowed Scholarship0$0
National Alumni Association Endowed Award for Outstanding Faculty Innovation Fund0$0
National Association of Women in Construction Scholarship0$0
National Society of Black Engineers0$0
Neurology Research/Equipment0$0
Neil and Laura Henderson Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
New Horizons Credit Union Undergraduate Scholarship0$0
Neurosurgery Fund0$0
NICU Education & Research0$0
Norma and Jesse Icenogle Endowed Scholarship in Professional Sales0$0
Norman Gholson Endowed Scholarship in Electrical Engineering0$0
Nita Sellers Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Music0$0
Occupational Therapy Alumni Endowed Scholarship0$0
Northrop Grumman Annual Scholarship0$0
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs0$0
Olivia Barlow Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Criminal Justice0$0
Olivia Rambo McGlothren Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award0$0
Old Mobile Project--Archeology0$0
Outstanding Finance Major0$0
Opera Theatre0$0
Optimist Club of Daphne Endowed Scholarship0$0
Orland Thomas Scholarship for Music Education Fund0$0
Orthopaedic Faculty Endowment0$0
Outstanding Real Estate Major0$0
Outstanding Accounting Major0$0
Outstanding Economics Major0$0
Outokumpu Scholarship in Engineering Endowment Fund0$0
Paideia Endowment - Hellenic Studies0$0
Pamela Lynne Patterson Endowed Scholarship in Education0$0
Parker Endowed Scholarship0$0
Parker Family Physician Assistant Studies Endowed Scholarship0$0
Patricia Green Internal Medicine Residency Education Endow0$0
Pardue-Landry Information Systems Scholarship Endowment4$1,059
Pathology Education and Research Fund0$0
Pat Piercy Annual Scholarship0$0
Pat Capps Covey College - Allied Health Professions6$3,205
Patricia Ann Hrabe Scholarship in Education0$0
Patsy Capps Covey Biomedical Sciences Scholarship0$0
Patrick E. and Mary F. Hicks USA NAA Book Scholarship Fund0$0
Paul Fearn Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Health Information0$0
Paul and Shannon Taylor Endowed Scholarship in Primary Care0$0
Patricia Kelly Lofton Endowed Scholarship for Teachers Fund0$0
Patricia Lane Dyess Scholarship in Languages0$0
Paula Lawkis-Bruton Memorial Endowed Scholarship0$0
Paul H. Kellogg IV Endowed Scholarship in Physical Therapy2$50
Pediatric to Adult Care Transition Program0$0
Pediatric General Research0$0
PCA-Jackson Mill Endowed Scholarship in Engineering0$0
Pediatric Autism Diagnostic Clinic0$0
Peggy and John Seibert Family Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Peggy Reynolds Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Pediatric Education Fund4$6,301
Peggy Hansen and Jim Aucoin Journalism Scholarship2$653
Percussion Ensemble0$0
Pfilip and Luella Hunt Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Physiology Research & Equipment0$0
Phi Kappa Sigma Men of Honor Endowed Scholarship0$0
Physical Therapy Alumni Endowed Scholarship0$0
Philomene B. Holmes Endowed Scholarship0$0
Phi Sigma Iota Merit Scholarship Endowment0$0
Philosophy Gifts0$0
Philosophy--Senior Study Travel Grant0$0
Physician Assistant0$0
Physics Gifts0$0
Pi Kappa Phi Frat0$0
PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund in Early Childhood Education0$0
Physics Endowed Scholarship1$120
Physics Professorship0$0
Pinnacle Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Gamma Phi Chapter Endowed Scholarship1$60
Pitts Family Scholarship in Education0$0
PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Political Science Gift Fund1$5
PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund in Finance0$0
Port City Alumni Chapter Scholarship0$0
Political Science Professorship0$0
Presidency Emergency Fund0$0
PowerSchool Education Fund0$0
Powersouth Energy Cooperative Endowed Scholarship in Meterol1$250
President Josiah R Bonner Jr Endowed Scholarship0$0
President's Cabinet Fund0$0
Premedical Student Scholarship0$0
Pre-professional Health Programs0$0
Providence Foundation Festival of Flowers2$540
Preyear Pace Emergency Food Assistance Program0$0
Presser Undergraduate Scholar Award0$0
Providence Foundation Camp Bluebird0$0
Providence Foundation Clay Shoot1$100
Project 1100$0
Providence Foundation Employee Assistance Fund27$4,955
Providence Hospital Cardiac Care Fund0$0
Providence Foundation Operating Fund0$0
Prowlers Dance Team Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Psychology Gifts0$0
Providence Hospital Endowed Nursing Scholarship1$25
PT Move It and Lose It Fun Run0$0
Providence Hospital Surgical Services1$1,001
Pulmonary Hypertension Center0$0
Psychology Endowed Scholarship2$220
Publications Gifts0$0
Putcha Family Outstanding Accounting Student Endowed Award0$0
Putcha Family Resident Award0$0
Radiation Therapy Endowed Scholarship0$0
Ralph Jones Memorial Scholarship0$0
Putcha Family Senior Design Project Endowed Award0$0
Randall W. Powell MD Lectureship in Pediatric Surgery0$0
Raymond S. Schear Memorial Biomedical Library History Section0$0
Ralph Denny Wright and Anne G. Wright Memorial Scholarship - WRIGHTRDSC0$0
Real Estate Scholarship0$0
Reece and Rose Miller Endowed Engineering Staff Award0$0
Reece and Rose Miller Endowed Scholarship in Engineering0$0
Regan Robinson-Young Memorial Scholarship0$0
Respiratory Therapy0$0
Regions Bank Endowed Undergraduate Scholars Program Fund0$0
Regina Little Memorial Scholarship0$0
Residency Program Support - Family Medicine0$0
Reece and Rose Miller Musical Instrument Endowment Fund0$0
Reese and Taylor Whitehead Research and Education Endowment0$0
Regions Bank/Theresa Duke Scholarship Fund0$0
Rene Pinckard Veterans Scholarship0$0
Renee' McGlothren Memorial Scholarship - Philosopy0$0
Research Education Fund- Biochemistry0$0
Research & Equipment for Cell Biology & Neuroscience in the College of Medicine0$0
Richard F. Miller Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Restore Therapy Services Scholarship for Speech Pathology0$0
Richard C. Messmer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering0$0
Richard and Rosemary Talbott Endowed Scholarship0$0
Richard C. Messmer Endowment Fund for Student Athletics in Engineering0$0
Rick and Julie Harvey Scholarship for Graduates of Ben C. Rain High School0$0
Robert Snell Scholarship in Art0$0
Rita R. Byers Endowed Scholarship0$0
Rick & Julie Harvey Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Mitchell College of Business0$0
Ritha Baliga Memorial Medical Scholarship0$0
Robert & Joseph Hunsader Memorial Scholarship Fund in Economics and Finance2$180
Robert A. Kreisberg Endowed Lectureship0$0
Robert Hopkins Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Education0$0
Robert A. Robertson School of Computing Entrepreneur Scholarship0$0
Ron Kiene Research Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Robert Sands and Margaret Nicolson Murray Endowed Scholarship0$0
Robert Ryder Scholarship in Computer and Information Science0$0
Robin A Hurst Endowed Scholarship in Engineering0$0
Rodolfo (Rudy) Herrera-Llerandi MD & Samuel Eichold II MD Scholarship for Education in Global Health0$0
Ronald A. Styron, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Rotary Club of Mobile Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Rosemary Archambault Physical Therapy Scholarship0$0
Rural Wastewater Consortium Gift Fund0$0
Rose Palmai-Tenser Endowed Vocal Scholarship Fund0$0
Russell Ladd Leadership in Business Scholarship0$0
Russ and Cam Still Endowed Scholarship0$0
Russell, Thompson, Butler and Houston Awards in Accounting0$0
SAE Formula One Team0$0
Ruth M. Gwinn-Heitman Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Ruth Harrell Nursing Scholarship0$0
Ryder Family Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
SABRE Analytics Summit0$0
SAMSF- College of Medicine Radiology2$4,080
Sam P. Fleming Scholarship in Allied Health0$0
Sailing Club0$0
SAMSF - Radiology Conference & Education Fund2$1,250
Sandra McLaurin Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics0$0
Samuel J. Strada Travel and Enhancement Award for Graduate Students in Basic Medical Sciences0$0
SAMSF Hypertentension Nephrology1$433
Samuel J. Strada Endowed Scholarship1$5,000
Sandy McGill Scholarship0$0
Sandy and Jean Stimpson Scholarship in Computing Fund0$0
Sandy Worley Memorial Funds2$50
School of Computing Events0$0
School of Computing K-12 STEM-C Fund0$0
School of Computing Excellence Fund0$0
School of Computing Advisory Board Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Scholarships - Undesignated0$0
Scholarships in the MCOB0$0
School of Marine and Environmental Sciences Equipment Fund0$0
School of Computing Gifts11$375
Science Fair-USA0$0
Science Lab Enhancements for Educators0$0
Semoon & Youngshin Chang Endowed Award for Humanitarian Services1$500
Semple Family Endowed Scholarship0$0
SGA Alumni Presidents Leadership Award0$0
Sevim and Bekir Kirkici Graduate Scholarship0$0
Shelley Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing0$0
Shirley and Eugene Panus Scholarship in Physical Therapy0$0
Shirley Holt Memorial Scholarship Fund1$50
Sickle Cell PACT Program0$0
Sigma Chi Fraternity0$0
Smith and Williams Families Endowed Scholarship0$0
Sockwell Endowed Scholarship0$0
Sigma Gamma Epsilon University Committee on Undergraduate Research Endowed Award0$0
Simulation Development Fund2$170
Society for Sustainable Engineering0$0
Social Work Fund0$0
South Baldwin Health Foundation Scholarship-Nursing0$0
Society of Women Engineers0$0
Sociology/ Anthropology Endowed Scholarship0$0
Society of Women Engineers - Mechanical Engineering0$0
Sociology and Anthropology Professorship0$0
Softball Bull Pen Club Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Speech Pathology Workshop0$0
South Baldwin Health Foundation Scholarship0$0
Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society0$0
Spectrum Resorts Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Speech Pathology and Audiology Endowment Fund2$70
Spirit of Odyssey Endowed Scholarship0$0
Spotting Excellence Endowed Scholarship1$25
SSAB Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Stallworth Chemical Engineering Scholarship0$0
Stan Wasiak Memorial Scholarship in Athletics0$0
Steelwood Country Club College Scholarship0$0
STEM Internship Program0$0
STEM- Science, Tech, English, Math0$0
Stephanie Hardin-Floyd Memorial Scholarship in History0$0
Steve and Carol Kittrell Endowed Scholarship for Southerners1$50
Steven and Angelia Stokes Undergraduate Scholarship in Marine and Environmental Sciences0$0
Steve and Shelley Baker Finance Scholarship for Student-Athl0$0
Steven Karl Teplick M.D. FACR Memorial Award Fund0$0
Stimpson Brothers Leadership Scholarship in Business0$0
Stovall Endowed Student Research Competition Award0$0
Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences Student Benefit Fund0$0
Strada Patient Care Center- Unrestricted0$0
Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences Gifts7$1,020
Stokes Undergraduate Scholarship in Southern Writing0$0
Stovall-Hanks Graduate Scholarship for Research on Aging Endowment Fund1$2,000
Student Activites0$0
Student Affairs Endowment0$0
Substance Abuse Educ/Prevention0$0
Student Health Research and Equipment0$0
Student Leaders United Endowed Scholarship0$0
Student Leaders in Education Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Student Veterans Resource Room Charles Baugh BioMedical Library0$0
Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Study Abroad Gift Fund4$375
Tanya Fratto Blair Engineering Scholarship0$0
Sue Ellen Gerrels/R. Eugene Jackson Scholarship in Drama0$0
Surgery Trama Fund0$0
SunTrust Foundation Endowed Scholarship0$0
Tau Beta Pi Association0$0
Taylor Martino Endowed Scholarship in Paralegal Studies0$0
Taylor-Davis Scholarship in Physiology0$0
Telehealth Program0$0
Terry S. Barkin Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Tennis-Athletics Endowment0$0
Tennis Baseline Club JAF1$100
The Ernest G. DeBakey Charitable Foundation Scholarship0$0
The Kay and Johnny Pinckard Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering0$0
Theatre USA0$0
The Nancy Gaillard Love of Teaching Scholarship2$420
The Vi Harper Reference Area Endowed Fund1$100
Theodore and Brenda Pitsios Endowed Scholarship0$0
Thelma Lee McKenzie Nursing Scholarship0$0
Theresa Louque Roussel Memorial Scholarship in Nursing0$0
Thomas J. Wool Endowed Scholarship for the College of Medicine0$0
Thomas Corcoran Endowed Scholarship for Adult Students in the Mitchell College of Business0$0
Thomas and Barbara Corcoran Scholar Athlete Scholarship0$0
Thomas Robert Johnson Endowed Scholarship in Surgery0$0
Tiffany K. Whitfield Endowment for Education Students0$0
Tim and Sandy Schultz Russell Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Timothy K. Driggers Endowed Scholarship I0$0
Tim Holston Audiology Endowed Scholarship0$0
Timothy K. Driggers Endowed Scholarship II0$0
Tom Wood Tillinghast Endowed Scholarship in Education0$0
Tom and Mary Meyer Nursing Scholarship0$0
Tommy and Kathy Zoghby Endowed Scholarship in Finance and Accounting0$0
Truist Foundation Endowed Scholarship0$0
Tootie Wright Honorary Endowed Merit Scholarship Fund0$0
Townsley Diversity Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Track and Field Facility Improvements Fund Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Travis M. Bedsole, Jr. and Susan D. Bedsole Endowed Scholarship in Education Fund0$0
Track and Field Finish Line Club0$0
Tracy M. Coleman Endowed Scholarship in Marketing0$0
Turnipseed Research Assistance Award0$0
Turner Supply Endowed Book Scholarship in Business0$0
University Archives0$0
Tyler and Margaret Bland Endowed Research in Infectious Diseases0$0
Tyus-Wilson Scholarship0$0
Ucur-Undergrad Research0$0
University Hospital Equipment for OR/Trauma0$0
University Hospital Auxiliary Children of Employee Scholarship0$0
University Hospital Bill and Anita Bush Trauma Department Endowment1$433
University Hospital Diabetes Fact Finders Community Education0$0
University Hospital Arnold Luterman Burn Center7$455
University Hospital18$5,396
University Hospital Chronic Heart Failure (CHF Patient Fund)1$433
University Hospital Patient Assistance Fund0$0
University Hospital Equipment Fund0$0
University Hospital Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit Gifts0$0
University Hospital Fanny Meisler Trauma Center0$0
University Hospital Luterman Regional Burn Center Endowment0$0
University Hospital Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit Gifts0$0
University Hospital Project Inspire5$1,175
University Hospital Radiology Department Gifts0$0
University Hospital Stroke Support Group0$0
University Hospital Respiratory Department GIfts0$0
University Hospital Therapy Services0$0
University Hospital Surgical Trauma Intensive Care Unit Gifts0$0
University Hospital Trauma Outreach Program0$0
Urology Education Fund0$0
Urban Air Taxi Senior Design0$0
University of South Alabama Physician's Group Fund for Excellence0$0
USA Baldwin County Alumni Chapter Scholarship Endowment0$0
USA Bass Fishing Club0$0
USA Board of Trustees Endowed Scholarship0$0
USA Bell Tower Dedication0$0
USA Center for Environmental Resiliency0$0
USA College of Nursing Development Council Endowed Leadership Scholarship0$0
USA College of Nursing Class of 1976 Endowed Legacy Scholarship Fund0$0
USA Coastal Weather Research Center Renovation Fund0$0
USA Career Services Jaguar Clothes Closet0$0
USA Childrens' Park - Perpetual Maintenance0$0
USA Campus Recreation Center1$250
USA Democrats0$0
USA Health Advanced Practice Providers1$25
USA Health Global Pandemic Outreach0$0
USA Health System Employee Educational Endowed Scholarship0$0
USA Health Providence0$0
USA Health Employee Emergency Fund8$3,460
USA Health Fund for Excellence14$4,185
USA Library Endowment0$0
USA Literacy Center0$0
USA Physician Assistant Endowment Fund1$25
USA National Alumni Association Madge & Gladys Outlaw Endowed Freshman Leadership0$0
USA MCOB Accounting Department Class Fees0$0
USA Paws Around the World Endowed Sch for Study Abroad1$390
USA Providence Hospital Breast Cancer Outreach Fund0$0
USA Providence Hospital Cancer Center0$0
USA Trumpet Ensemble0$0
USA Women's Softball0$0
USA Student Run Free Clinic0$0
USA Student Nurses Association Endowed Book Scholarship0$0
USA Student-Run Free Clinic Endowment Fund0$0
V. Gordon Moulton Memorial Scholarship in Glass Art0$0
V. Gordon Moulton Memorial Scholarship in the School of Computing0$0
Veterans Resource Center Gifts0$0
Victoria L. Rivizzigno Endowed Scholarship in Geography0$0
Vera Reed Accounting Scholarship Endowment0$0
Valerie Wood Simmerman Scholarship in Education0$0
Valorie C. Dearmon Endowed Scholarship in Nursing1$600
Victorino S. Blanco Mathematics Scholarship3$165
Virginia K. and John R. Miller, Jr. Annual Scholarship0$0
W.C. Blackburn Endowed Scholarship0$0
Vivian Vann Chateau Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Walter Gault Scholarship in Physical Therapy0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Students0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson Endowed Entrepreneurship Scholarship0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson Endowed Graduate Assistantship0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson End Schol for Grad Stud in Elec0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Computing Fund10$1,185
Watson-Henderson Award0$0
Watts and Marsh Family Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson Endowed Scholarship in Electrical & Computer Engineering0$0
Waterman Scholarship0$0
Wei & David Feinstein Scholarship in the School of Computing0$0
Weise Speakers Fund for Marine Science0$0
Wei and David Feinstein Endowed Scholarship for Rising Sopho0$0
Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship0$0
White-Spunner and Associates, Inc Scholarship in Real Estate0$0
Whiddon Honors Scholarship Program0$0
Whatley and Sadler Families Memorial Endowed Scholarship6$145
White-Spunner Endowed Scholarship in Education Fund0$0
Wierzbicki-Salter Chemistry Scholarship Endowment2$1,300
Where the Need is Greatest187$18,790
Wiggs Paleontology Award0$0
William A. Mitchell Endowment for University Hospital Trauma Center0$0
William and Susan Youngblood Endowed Fund in Philosophy0$0
William A.Thomas Endowed Memorial Scholarship0$0
William Chamberlain Technology Teaching Award Fund0$0
William B. Burnsed and Amy Burnsed Barter Engineering Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
William D. and Irene Russell Ward Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
William J. Sirmon, Jr. NAA Graduate Student Scholarship Fund0$0
Williams-Phillips-Van Hook Endowment0$0
Women's Soccer Upper 90 Club Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Williams Charitable Foundation Book Award Fund0$0
Willis and Kay Baldwin Endowed Scholarship in Accounting Fund0$0
Wilson Durgin Memorial Scholarship0$0
Winthrop M Hallett III Free Enterprise Scholarship Endowment0$0
Women's Basketball Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Wiseman Scholarship in Pediatrics0$0
Women's Golf Chip-In Club Jaguar Athletic Fund1$25
Women's Track Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Women's Volleyball Rally Score Club Jaguar Athletic Fund1$50
Zeta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Scholarship in Nursing0$0
Zoghby and Dipp Family Endowed Scholarship Fund1$100
South Cares72$31,208
Stephanie A. Marsh Medical Scholarship Fund0$0
Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences Research Fund0$0
Student Affairs General Fund10$305
SWAG (student with athletic grit) Scholarship0$0
The Clint Harper Barefoot Global Impact Endowed Scholarship0$0
Thelma Lee McKenzie Endowed Nursing Scholarship0$0
Thomas and Norma Fell Endowed PT Scholarship1$200
Tom Myers Sculpture Fund0$0
Trimm-Koch Pediatric Education Endowment0$0
University Distinguished Professor of Family Practice0$0
University Hospital Emergency Room Gifts1$150
University Hospital Quality Patient Safety Fund3$260
University of South Alabama Engineering Chevron Scholarship0$0
USA Brass Ensemble0$0
USA Concert Choir0$0
USA Health's Integrative Health and Wellness Program0$0
USA Medical Faculty Guild Mendenhall Scholarship0$0
USA Student Meal Plan Scholarship0$0
Valerie R. Morgan Memorial Scholarship in Graduate Education0$0
Volkert Endowed Scholarship In Civil Engineering0$0
Warren and Kathy Nicholson Endowed Scholarship in Computing0$0
Weldon-Taylor Endowed Scholarship Fund1$100
William "Willie" Peck Memorial Scholarship in Education0$0
William David Burden Nursing Scholarship0$0
Wind Creek Hospitality Endowed Scholarship in Hospitality and Tourism0$0
Wynne and Katherine Fuller Scholarship in Civil Engineering0$0
Andrew P. Baldes Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Amanda S. Baker Honorarium in Nursing0$0
Clinical & Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program0$0
Barbara J. Shirvanian Outstanding Advisor Award Endowment0$0
Chi Omega House0$0
Dr. Cheryl Broadus Robinson Clinical Practice & Research End0$0
Cherie Pohlmann Ultrasound Scholarship0$0
Jag-Gals Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Bob Lager Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Endowed Honors Scholarship Fund0$0
Gosa Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Carl N. and Jewel O. Melton Entrepreneurship Scholarship0$0
Chemistry Gifts0$0
College of Medicine Scholarship0$0
Academic Affairs-Provost0$0
Boise Cascade Endowed Engineering Scholarship0$0
Class of 2014 Medical Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Coco Hays Art Collection0$0
100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, Inc. Major General J. Gary Cooper Endowed Scholarship0$0
English Gifts0$0
Advancement of Diverse Undergraduate Students of Excellence in Health Professions Scholarship1$100
Cooke-Scott Scholarship for Medical Students0$0
Accounting Department Gifts1$60
AED T. G. Jackson Scholarship Fund0$0
Graphic Design Course C1$25
Accounting Endowed Scholarship2$420
African American Studies Program Endowed Support Fund1$100
1974 Society - Julian and Kim MacQueen Alumni Center4$305
Accounting Scholarship Gifts- Not Endowed0$0
Aden "Jack" Cooper Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Alabama Broadcasters Association Endowed Scholarship0$0
Accounting Gifts0$0
Accelerated BSN Scholarship2$480
ACM Endowed Support Fund1$100
AHEPA 310 Senior Housing Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Alabama Lyric Theater Scholarship for the Performing Arts0$0
Adele Mantiply and Dr. Gerard Galle Pediatric Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Administration Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Akridge-DeVan Family Endowed Scholarship in Education0$0
Advancement of Diverse Graduate Students of Excellence in Health Professions Scholarship2$220
AIAA Conference0$0
Alabama Power Engineering Scholarship Endowment Fund II0$0
AICHE Student Chapter0$0
Alabama Power Fellowship0$0
Alabama Bankers Association Endowed Scholarship0$0
Alabama Power Foundation Lab0$0
Alfred F. Delchamps, Sr. Memorial Scholarship0$0
Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Sigma Chapter Endowed Scholarship0$0
Anatomical Gift Program0$0
Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo Fund0$0
Alane & Mark Hoffman Special Education Certification Endowed Scholarship0$0
Alpha Gamma Delta0$0
Airbus Americas, Inc. Endowed Scholarship in the College of Engineering0$0
Alabama Power Scholars in Engineering0$0
Allen J. Pearl USA NAA Book Scholarship Endowment0$0
Alabama Young Bankers Association Scholarship0$0
Allen, Allen & Foster, CPAs Endowed Scholarship0$0
Ammons Denny Challenge0$0
Angelia and Steven H. Stokes Center for Creative Writing0$0
Alcoa Fund Grant0$0
Alpha Omega Alpha Scholarship Fund0$0
Ammons Student Leadership Scholarship0$0
Albert Schweitzer Scholarship Fund0$0
Aloyis Sonneborn Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Ambulatory Services0$0
Angelia & Steven H. Stokes End Scholar in Creative Writing0$0
Archaeology Museum Advocates0$0
Alethea Hill Endowed Scholarship for Minority Nurses0$0
Alton R., III and Toni Goubil Brown Endowed Fund in Real Estate0$0
Alexis Atkins Jaguar Marching Band Endowed Scholarship0$0
Alvin J. Williams Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad in Marketing0$0
Andrew and Daisy Agnew Endowed TriO Scholarship0$0
AM/NS Calvert Fund for Outreach0$0
Angelia and Steve Stokes Undergraduate Creative Writing Scholarship0$0
Anne Harrison Petty Scholarship Fund in Physical Therapy0$0
Alumni Leadership Scholarship1$30
Andy and Carol Denny National Alumni Excellence in Teaching Award Endowment Fund0$0
Ann Briggs McCullough Memorial Book Endowment for Children's and Women's Hospital0$0
Armbrecht-Briskman Endowed Scholarship for Southerners Fund0$0
AT&T Aspiring Leaders in IT Scholarship0$0
Andy Byrd Memorial Scholarship3$630
Archeology Building Gift0$0
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Scholarship0$0
Baldwin County Scholarship NOW Fund2$175
Angelia and Steve Stokes Undergraduate Scholarship in Marine Sciences0$0
Anthony Monge Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Ann Blackburn Faulkner Scholarship in Piano Performance0$0
Art and Shinta Stanley Endowed Book Scholarship0$0
Ann Greer Adams Scholarship in Piano Performance0$0
Art Department Gifts2$570
Athletics Endowment0$0
Archaeology Studies Gifts0$0
ASCE Student Organization0$0
Avizo Group Inc Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Ball HealthCare Services, Inc. Endowed Scholarship in Nursing0$0
Aspiring Women in Technology Endowed Scholarship1$25
Audrey Joyce Grodnick Breast Cancer Research Endowment Fund0$0
ASCE Alumni Fund0$0
B. Keith Harrison Scholarship in Chemical Engineering1$500
Barry Brunson Memorial Scholarship0$0
Baugh BioMedical Library1$60
Association of Computing Machinery Scholarship1$100
Baldwin County Student Nurses Association Endowed Scholarship1$120
Athletics Employee Annual Fund Jaguar Athletic Fund29$1,891
Baldwin County Students Scholarship5$685
Baseball Dug Out Club Jaguar Athletic Fund1$10
Barbara Corcoran Endowed Scholarship in College of Medicine0$0
Baseball Kit's Korner Renovation0$0
Behavioral Studies0$0
Barbara Phillips Endowed Award for Special Education Teacher1$120
Basketball Weight Room0$0
Barry and Lisa McKinley-PTAC Engineering LLC Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering0$0
Bart and Gesina Longenecker Endowed Scholarship in Biomedical Sciences1$50
BBVA Compass Endowed Scholarship Fund for Cyber Security0$0
Beth Anderson End Schol Fund for USA Health System Employees0$0
Bloch Endowment Fund0$0
Brian L. McGuire Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
BASF Endowed Scholarship in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Fund0$0
BEST Program0$0
Bettye Odom Memorial Endowed Scholarship0$0
Bart and Gesina Longenecker Endowed Scholarship in Information Systems1$60
BBVA Compass Endowed Scholarship in the Mitchell College of Business0$0
Biology Gifts0$0
Brenda and Stan Hammack Endowment Fund for the Library0$0
Basic Medical Science Travel Scholarships0$0
BBVA Compass Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship0$0
Ben May Chair of Entrepreneurship0$0
Betty Jean Mitchell Scholarship Fund0$0
Blount-Bark Endowed Scholarship0$0
Bryan Robertson Engineering Scholarship0$0
Canoe Crew of 1988 Scholarship1$180
Beta Theta Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity Endowed Scholarship0$0
Black Girls Rock - Office of Multicultural Student Affairs0$0
Bobby and Gerry Marks Endowed Scholarship for Student Managers0$0
Brian Paul Fletcher, MD Chemistry Scholarship0$0
Beth and Don Davis National Alumni Association Excellence in Advising Award0$0
Black Physicians Scholarship0$0
Brian Axsmith Memorial Scholarship in Biology2$250
Business/Economics Research Fund0$0
Betty & Richard Wold Education Administration Endowed Sch1$500
Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Endowment Fund at MCI1$260
Biomedical Library Supply Fund0$0
Bobbie & Steve Hancock Endowed Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies0$0
Bruce and Patricia McCrory Endowed Scholarship0$0
Captain Allen Graham Memorial Scholarship0$0
Carol Walters Butler Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering0$0
Bobby Holmes Memorial Endowment in English0$0
Bruce McCall Endowed Scholarship Fund for Paralegal Studies0$0
Campus Recreation Maintenance0$0
Career Women of Mobile Scholarship0$0
Celia A. Wallace Endowed Deans Fund0$0
Center for Real Estate Studies0$0
Charles and Virginia Thompson Endowed Scholarship in Hospitality0$0
Bud and Dot Phillips PT Scholarship0$0
Burchett and Porter Research Endowment0$0
Campus Police Department1$390
Carol and Jim Statter Endowed Scholarship for Literacy Education1$60
CCEE Laboratory Fund0$0
CGI Empowerment Scholarship0$0
Charles R. and Olivia McGlothren Speakers Fund in Philosophy0$0
Campus Sculpture0$0
Cardinal and Straw Endowed Scholarship0$0
Carr Riggs & Ingram CPAs and Advisors formerlyThompson Butler & Houston LLP Endowed Scholarship0$0
Center for Archeological Studies Endowed Support Fund0$0
C. E. Hooten Scholarship in the College of Education0$0
Cardiovascular Research and Teaching Fund2$2,650
Celia A. Wallace Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health0$0
Center for Real Estate Studies Sponsors0$0
Charles and Dr. Diane D. Abercrombie Endowment Scholarship0$0
Caldwell Endowment1$50
Caring Foundation Scholarship in Nursing0$0
Cathy Converse Nursing Scholarship0$0
Center for Conference Services0$0
Captain George A Manders Endowed Fund in Interdisciplinary1$25
Career Placement Services0$0
Catherine M. Cooper Endowed Scholarship in Radiologic Sciences3$18,205
Center for Healthy Communities Endowment Fund2$530
Charles M. Baugh Lectureship0$0
ChBE Laboratory Fund0$0
Catherine Murphy Naylor Cooper Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Cell Biology & Neurosciences Medical Alumni Gift Fund0$0
Charlean and Chandra Brown Academic Success Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Charles W. Urschel Memorial Scholarship Fund0$0
Chemistry Endowed Scholarship0$0
Chi Sigma Iota-Upsilon Sigma Alpha Chapter0$0
Center for Strategic Health Innovation0$0
Charles Bernard and Mary Elizabeth Rodning Endowed Surgical Educational Fund2$3,500
Chemistry Professorship0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Grounds0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Labor & Delivery0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Radiology Department0$0
Charles R. McGlothren, Jr. Mem. Scholarship in Philosophy0$0
Charles P. Gray Scholarship in Physical Therapy0$0
Cheerleading Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-The Bridge Program4$380
Children's & Women's Hospital Kapz 4 Kidz0$0
Chemical Engineering Gift0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital69$9,405
Children's & Women's Hospital Pediatrics Fourth and Fifth Floors0$0
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Gifts0$0
Charlotte H. and Samuel Eichold Scholarship0$0
Chi Omega Beta Theta Chapter House Corp. Pearl Endowed Schol0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Helping Hands for the Children0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Pharmacy0$0
Chemical Engineering Scholarship0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Cardiopulmonary Department Fund0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Operation Room0$0
Children of Employees Endowed Scholarship0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit1$260
Children's & Women's Hospital USS Hope0$0
Chief Calvin McGhee Endowed Professorship in Native American Studies0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Mother Baby0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Hero 4 Mom10$2,241
Children's & Women's Hospital Radiographic Fluoroscopic Suite0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital- Class Act0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-Pediatric Residency Program0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Sculpture Park Trees0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-Geri Moulton Children's Park Endowment Fund1$25
Children's & Women's Hospital-Robert "Larry" Kent Memorial in Surgical Services Endowment Fund0$0
Christine Kilgore Holley Student Paper Award0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital Treehouse0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-Hospital Police/ Security Fund0$0
Children's and Women's Hospital Educational Outreach for SIDS0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital- Carr Memorial Garden1$130
Children's & Women's Hospital-Margarette G. Griffin Pediatric Cancer Research Endowment0$0
Children's and Women's Hospital Transport Vehicle Fund0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-Dr. Robert O. and Katherine Harris Endowment for USS Hope0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)2$140
Children's & Women's Hospital-High Risk OB0$0
Children's & Women's Pediatric Emergency Center2$10,025
Chuck and Ann Williams Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-Mapp Child & Family Life Program1$130
China Barber Memorial Scholarship2$85
Children's & Women's Hospital-Physical Therapy Fund0$0
Children's & Women's Hospital-The Carley-Ferguson Endowment for Labor and Delivery0$0
Chris and Elizabeth Melton Endowed Scholarship0$0
CIS Faculty Development Fund0$0
Class of 1983 Medical Alumni Endowed Fund0$0
Clinical Skills Lab and Standardized Patient Center Endow0$0
Chris Nash Mathematics/Statistics Scholarship2$50
Christie D. Miree National Alumni Association Outstanding Employee Service Awards Program Endowment0$0
Christopher J. Weigel Finance Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Civil Engineering Gifts0$0
Cleverdon Scholarship0$0
College of Arts and Sciences Endowment0$0
College of Engineering Scholarship0$0
Cimino Co-op Scholarship3$530
Christopher Thomas Student Leadership Scholarship6$330
Cisco and Venture Technologies Endowed Scholarship0$0
Class of 1984 Medical Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Coastal Weather Service0$0
College of Education Endowment0$0
CIS Innovative Equipment and Software Fund0$0
Class of 2013 Medical Alumni Student Assistance Award0$0
Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship4$5,045
Clarence M. Frenkel, Jr. Endowed Scholarship0$0
Class of 1976 Medical Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Class of 1981 Medical Alumni Endowment Fund0$0
Class of 2022 Medical Alumni - Samantha Alison Thomas Memorial Scholarship Endowment0$0
Claude Staples McKee "Baby" Prince Scholarship Award0$0
Clifton Inge Baseball Endowment Fund0$0
College of Business and Management Endowed Scholarship0$0
College of Medicine Basic Sciences Endowment0$0
Clifton C. Inge Leadership Scholarship in Economics and Finance0$0
Clyde G. "Sid" Huggins Endowed Scholarship0$0
College of Engineering9$1,170
College of Arts and Sciences DLC Leadership Scholarship0$0
College of Arts and Sciences18$1,040
College of Engineering Civil Engineering Projects0$0
College of Education and Professional Studies27$1,741
College of MedicineSummer Research Project0$0
Communications Gifts2$220
College of Engineering Science Fair0$0
College of Medicine Department of OB/GYN Research and Equipment0$0
College of Medicine14$1,510
College of Medicine Cares2$50
College of Nursing Faculty Fund for Student Readiness for Clinical Success0$0
Condon Family Scholarship0$0
College of Medicine- Allison Education Endowment Fund in Internal Medicine0$0
College of Nursing Mystery Dinner Theater0$0
Counseling and Testing Services0$0
College of Medicine General Scholarship Fund0$0
Commemorative License Tag Scholarship Fund0$0
College of Nursing Dean's Endowment Fund0$0
Cope Memorial Scholarship0$0
College of Nursing Development Council Operation Fund0$0
Computer Science Endowed Scholarship0$0
College of Nursing1$100
College Panhellenic Leadership Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Cox Family Foundation Endowed Nursing Scholarship0$0
Corcoran Endowed Scholarship in ISADP0$0
Criminal Justice and Political Science Endowed Scholarship0$0
Daniel F. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship in Pediatrics0$0
David, Melinda and Savannah Clark Scholarship in Hospitality0$0
Delaney Scholarship Fund0$0
Denny-Gottfried Athletic Endowed Scholarship0$0
Department of Radiologic Sciences0$0
Curtis & Reed Women's Health Endowment Fund0$0
David R. Dunlap, Jr. Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Dan and Judy Grafton Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Daniel Foundation of Alabama Endowed Scholarship for Teachers0$0
Danny Conway Memorial Theatre Scholarship0$0
Darlene Bailey Briggs and Monica Briggs Sullivan Endowed Scholarship0$0
David L Zimlich Leadership Endowed Fund0$0
David L. Horton Memorial Prize in Political Science0$0
Davidson Family Reboot Into Computing Endowed Graduate Scholarship Fund1$100
Day Zero Fund0$0
Denny and Marianne Wilkins SoC Award Endowed Fund0$0
Department of Occupational Therapy0$0
Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology1$25
Dearman Family Scholarship in Nursing Education0$0
Deborah Hurd Family Nurse Practitioner Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Delchamps Scholarship0$0
Deborah Smith Memorial Fund0$0
Debra Calvert Davis Nursing Scholarship0$0
Department of Emergency Medical Training Service1$130
Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology1$25
Debra and Allen Chapman School of Computing Graduate Director Endowed Scholarship Fund1$25
Department of Biomedical Science0$0
Department of Physician Assistant Studies0$0
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Dr Basil Refai Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Delay Family Endowed Scholarship0$0
Department of Emergency Medicine Endowment Fund3$1,400
Department of Radiological Sciences Scholarship Fund0$0
Delchamps and Martin Scrivner Scholarships0$0
Denny and Marianne Wilkins Engineering Youth Scholarship0$0
Department of Management Scholarship1$100
Diane and Julie Brining Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Alpha Omicron Pi1$25
Department of Management Outstanding Major0$0
Developmental Studies Endowed Award0$0
Donna B. Ledet Memorial Scholarship0$0
Department of Physical Therapy3$330
Distinguished Chair of Cardiology0$0
Doug and Casey Porter Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Don Winterton Endowed Scholarship for Science Education1$1,000
Dr James C Wall & George Turnbull Physical Therapy Scholarsh0$0
Don and Sandra McCrory Endowed Book Award0$0
Douglas L. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship in Finance0$0
Dr. Callie Cheese Memorial Scholarship0$0
Donna Ayers Scholarship in Elementary Education0$0
Doran-Longenecker Undergraduate Research Fund0$0
Dr Robert Lee Wilson Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics0$0
Dr. Cecil L. Parker Jr. Sickle Cell Disease Distinguished Lectureship Endowment0$0
Donald L. Moak Scholarship in Banking - MCOB0$0
Dr. Andra Bohnet Endowed Flute Scholarship Fund1$1,000
Dr. Cindy S. Sheets Endowment for Early Literacy0$0
Dr. Gaylord T. Walker Resident Education and Research Endowment0$0
Dr. Angus McBryde Symposium in Orthopaedics0$0
Dr. Burette Stinson Tillinghast, Jr. Endowed Scholarship0$0
Dr. Dennis and Noel Fell Endowed Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund1$1,500
Dr. Hiram and Mrs. Margaret Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship0$0
Dr. John J. Papastefan Scholarship in Percussion0$0
Dr. Martin Luther King Black Student Scholarship Fund2$545
Dr. Bill Williams Meteorology Endowment1$10
Dr. Charles and Penny Newell Endowed Scholarship in Radiologic Sciences7$3,735
Dr. Evelyn Kwan Green Scholarship in Hospitality and Tourism Endowment Fund0$0
Dr. Bryce Evans Endowed Scholarship Fund3$185
Dr. Carl C. Moore Endowed Scholarship in the MCOB0$0
Dr. Edward L. Harrison Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Dr. Hudson See Something Do Something0$0
Dr. John E. Kovaleski Future Faculty Scholarship0$0
Dr. Chandru Hiremath Memorial Endowed Award Fund0$0
Dr. David Nelson Scholarship in Biology3$780
Dr. Donald C. Mosley Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Dr. Edwin R. Hughes Memorial Endowment Fund0$0
Dr. Eric Loomis and Dr. Karen Palazzini Retention Scholarship0$0
Dr. George E. Uhlig Endowed Award Fund0$0
Dr. Henrietta Brown Endowed Book Scholarship0$0
Dr. John B. Bass Jr. Endowment for Internal Medicine0$0
Dr. Isabel Zakrzewski Brown Endowed Scholarship in Modern Language0$0
Dr. Jon D. and Dr. Christy S. Thornton Endowment0$0
Dr. Marjorie E. Scaffa Professorship in Occupational Therapy Endowed Fund1$120
Dr. J. Allan Tucker Endowed Fund for Faculty and Resident Development in Pathology0$0
Dr. James C. Wall Physical Therapy Scholarship0$0
Dr. James W. Green Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Med Students0$0
Dr. Joseph M. Olsen Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering0$0
Dr. Jagdish C. Dhawan Memorial Endowed Scholarship1$52
Dr. Joseph G. Hardin, Jr. Memorial Scholarship0$0
Dr. Matthew J. Wiser Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Economics2$110
Dr. Prasit Nimiyongskul Endowed Fund in Orthopaedics0$0
Dr. Julio and Barbara Turrens Endowed Scholarship0$0
Dr. Kelly Fields Memorial Endowed Award Fund0$0
Dr. Kelly Stauter Endowed Scholarship in Traditional DNP0$0
Dr. Leigh Anne Jernigan Minchew Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Dr. Michael M. Linder Endowed Award Fund0$0
Dr. Michael Doran Award in the USA Honors College0$0
Dr. Michael V. Doran Memorial Endowed Scholarship1$120
Dr. Nathaniel Abston Memorial Scholarship0$0
Dr. Richard L. Hayes Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Dr. Saty and Anna Putcha Leadership Endowed Scholarship in Global USA0$0
Dr. William Crews Askew Memorial Scholarship in Chemical Engineering0$0
Dr. Michelle L. Slagle Management Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Dr. Patricia Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund in English0$0
Dr. Paul Pietri Endowed Scholarship in Management0$0
Dr. Richard E. Talbott Dean's Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Dr. Rajani Ranade Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence0$0
Dr. Richard Gurich Memorial Endowed Scholarship0$0
Dr. Richard Talbott Endowed Scholarship in Audiology0$0
Dr. Richard and Angela Carter Global USA Endowed Scholarship10$760
Dr. Richmond Brown Memorial Scholarship0$0
Dr. Ross and Charlene Loomis Endowed Scholarship in A&S0$0
Dr. Vaughn Millner Endowed Scholarship in Counseling0$0
Drs. Robert and Linda Shipp Undergraduate Scholarship in Marines and Environmental Sciences0$0
Dr. Robert J. Cloutier Scholarship in Systems Engineering Endowment Fund1$60
Dr. Thomas L. Chilton Legacy Scholarship in Education0$0
Dr. Robin Lawson Next Generation ENP Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Gifted Medical Scholars Endowment0$0
Dr. Roy J Daigle and Kathryn A Gradle in Information Systems0$0
Dr. Ted Huddleston Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund in CE0$0
Drs. John and Sally Steadman (IAB) Endowed Scholarship0$0
Dunn and Fetters Master of Accounting Scholarship1$3,250
Dr. Sherry C. Daniels Endowed Scholarship in Nursing2$60
Dr. William James Atkinson, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Drs. Oscar and Winston Jackson Endowed Scholarship Expenditure0$0
Drama Gifts0$0
Dr. Valentina Grishko Memorial Travel Award for Outstanding Research4$690
Drs. Mike and Janice Jacobs Scholarship for Emergency Nurse0$0
Drs. Barbara and Julio Turrens Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering0$0
Drs. Tony and Julee Waldrop Endowed Scholarship0$0
EBSCO Home Stretch0$0
Drs. Ron and Vicky Franks Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Drs. Oscar and Winston Jackson Endowed Scholarship0$0
Drs. Matt and Amy Campbell Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
DuValle Foundation Fund0$0
Ed Bunnell AIS Scholarship0$0
Elizabeth Jeanette Smith Jernigan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
E. L. (Lee) Jernigan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
East Central Schools Retirees' Association Endowed Scholarship0$0
Edna T. Miller Nursing Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Earth Sciences Gifts0$0
Earl P. Andrews Jr. Memorial Scholarship0$0
Earth Sciences Professorship0$0
Education Alumni Development- Dean0$0
Ella and Cody Wims Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad0$0
EBSCO Scholarship in Computing0$0
ECE Laboratory Fund0$0
Electrical and Computer Engineering Gifts0$0
ECE Graduate Student Excellence Endowed Scholarship Fund6$580
Eddie Greene Scholarship in English0$0
Eleanor & Jere Woolsey Home Builders Association of Alabama0$0
Emma Spector Greenfield Endowment for Undergraduate Research1$25
Elaine and John "J.D" Baxter Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Electrical Engineering Endowed Scholarship0$0
Emily Ulmer Feinstein Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Sc0$0
Edward L. Reed Endowment for Cancer Screening, Prevention, and Outreach1$5,000
Elizabeth S. McGowin Endowed Scholarship Fund for String Musicians0$0
Eleanor Ruth Frenkel Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research0$0
Elizabeth Mann Ruenitz Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Geology0$0
Emergency Support Fund for USA Students0$0
Ella Tippins Dixon Endowed Scholarship1$50
Endowed Scholarship - Mechanical Engineering0$0
Emma Spector Greenfield Fund for Undergraduate Research0$0
Engineering Alumni Society Endowed Scholarship0$0
Eric Weber Memorial Fund0$0
Endowed Presidential Lectureship0$0
Emmett B. Frazer Lectureship in Surgery0$0
Engineering Excellence Fund0$0
Endowed Scholarship - Handicapped Students0$0
Engineering Alumni-Dean0$0
Ethelyn B. Hayes Patient Assistance Endowment Fund0$0
Endowed Scholarship for the Outstanding Student in Marketing & Quantitative Methods0$0
Endowed Scholarship in Art1$144
Eran and N.Q. Adams Endowed Scholarship in Medicine0$0
Evonik Industries Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Fund0$0
Endowed Scholarship in History1$1,000
Engineering SAE Supermileage Student Project0$0
Esther Danielson Jones Endowed Scholarship0$0
Engineering Student Council0$0
Eugene Wilson Geography Scholarship Fund0$0
Feinstein Rising Sophomore Award0$0
Foreign Language Service0$0
English Endowed Faculty Chair0$0
Eva Golson Film and Television Production Scholarship Endowment Fund1$3
Finance Department Gifts0$0
Football Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Frank and Warrene Bolen Barbaree Scholarship Fund0$0
English Endowed Scholarship0$0
Excellence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship0$0
Felicia Casey Cooley Travel Award0$0
Erin and Joshua E. Cogswell Endowed Scholarship0$0
Faculty Club Furnishings0$0
Financial Management Association Student Travel Fund0$0
Fanny and Bert Meisler Professorship in Jewish Studies Endowment Fund0$0
Football Facility Improvement Fund Jaguar Athletic Fund0$0
Fanny R. and Herbert A. Meisler Student Services Building Fund0$0
Flora Henderson Knight Scholarship Fund0$0
Formula-Society of Automotive Engineers0$0
Father James F. Dorrill Endowed Scholarship0$0
Fearn Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Geography1$2,000
Football Fund for Excellence Endowment0$0
Food Insecurities Scholarship Fund0$0
Frank R. Urbancic Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Flute Choir0$0
Forrest and Beverly Crowder Endowed Scholarship in Baseball0$0
Freida Maisel Endowed Scholarship in English0$0
Foreign Languages and Literatures Scholarship Fund0$0
Founders' Award in Political Science and Criminal Justice0$0
Frederick P. Whiddon Scholarship in Liberal Arts1$60
G. David Johnson and Cecelia Murphy Endowed Scholarship0$0
Geology Scholarship Development0$0
Frances DuBose Thomas Endowed Scholarship for Academic Success0$0
Gail Sands Scholarship in Nursing0$0
George Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Glenn Sebastian Endowed Scholarship in Geography3$140
Grant Miller Davis Marketing Scholarship0$0
Friends of Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library0$0
Friends of Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences0$0
Geology Gifts1$120
Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine Capital Fund6$1,250
Geography Gifts0$0
Gary and Susan Godwin Emerging Lung Researchers Fund0$0
General Endowment0$0
George Lamb Scholarship in Earth Sciences0$0
Glenn Sebastian/Joey Phillips TKE Endowed Scholarship0$0
Gordon B. and Martha Kahn Endowed Scholarship in Art0$0
Gender Diversity Coalition0$0
Gaillard-Neville Reynolds Scholarship for PASSAGE USA4$958
GI Fellowship Trust Fund0$0
George Hite Wilson Memorial Scholarship0$0
George W. Barber, Jr. Marine Sciences Endowed Scholarship0$0
Global USA Gift Fund0$0
Graciella G. Blanco Spanish Language Scholarship0$0
GI Visiting Professor Endowment Fund0$0
Gordon & Geri Moulton Endowed Scholarship in the School of Computing0$0
Greg L. Gruner Trombone Scholarship in Music0$0
Georgia-Pacific Scholarship0$0
Golf Practice Facility0$0
Greeks - Intramural Equipment0$0
Gulf Coast Organization for Nursing Leadership Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship0$0
Harold Bickel Memorial Scholarship in Education Endowment0$0
Glass Course Fees0$0
Glenn Sebastian Nature Trail Endowed Preservation Fund1$20
Goessling Endowed Scholarship Fund in German2$730
Gosa Endowed Scholarship in Nursing0$0
Hal Williams Scholarship Fund0$0
Greek Life Education Programming0$0
Hardin Eaves Endowed Accounting Scholarship0$0
Greeks Support Intramural Sports0$0
Hancock Whitney Stadium1$25
GRHOP Langhinrichsen-Rohling Health Capacity Scholarship Fund0$0
Hargrove Foundation Scholarship in Engineering Endowment0$0
Helen and Robert Sellers Scholarship in Business0$0
H. Pete Jones Neurosciences Research Endowment Fund0$0
Harmon Bridge Program Endowment Fund0$0
Henderson/Moe Second Chance Scholarship2$75
Gynecologic Cancer Research Endowment3$15
Hancock Whitney Stadium3$530
Heather Pfefferkorn Memorial Scholarship in Hospitality and Tourism0$0
Hill Crest Foundation Pre-Medicine Endowed Scholarship0$0
Holt Sisters Nursing Scholarship0$0
Harper Endowed Scholarship in Music0$0
Helminger Endowment Fund in Physics0$0
History Gifts1$40
Harvel A. Owens Endowed Scholarship in Education0$0
Helping Hands Development Award0$0
History Endowed Chair0$0
Heather Hall Endowed Sch for Maternal Child Nursing Students1$250
Henry Hays Green Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering0$0
Hollis and Carmel Shumock Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Hooker-Kubik Scholarship0$0
Healthcare Authority Fund for Excellence0$0
Hill CNS Vital Signs-Graduate Students0$0
Holden and Thomas Barnett Memorial Fund0$0
Helen M. Nelson Charitable Trust Fund0$0
History Professorship Fund0$0
Honors Program Organization Fund0$0
HPELS Activity Fund0$0
Hinson International Student Endowed Scholarship0$0
Honor's Program Gifts2$1,825
Hospitality Tourism Management Student Development Fund0$0
Innovation in Learning Center0$0
History Professorship Unrestricted0$0
Honors College6$355
Hospitality and Tour Workforce Summit0$0
Infectious Disease Host Defense (IDHD) Ph.D Track1$250
J. Mark Johnston Scholarship Award0$0
Hospitality and Tourism Managment Gifts0$0
IEEE Student Branch0$0
Honors Program Scholarship (1990)0$0
IAB Operation Fund1$5
Hospitality Advisory Board Leadership Endowed Scholarship0$0
Hunter and Edna Waldrop and Vic and Betsy Briscoe Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
J. Gavin Bender of Bender Real Estate Group Endowed Assistance0$0
HPELS Department Fund0$0
International Students Endowed Scholarship0$0
Jack R. Brunson Memorial Scholarship0$0
Jags4Jags Student Meal Plan Scholarship Program0$0
Integrative Health and Wellness Endowment Fund0$0
Jack Edwards Scholarship Fund0$0
Jags Unite0$0
Intergrative Studies in the College of Education and Professional Studies1$20
Jacobs Family Scholarship for Accelerated Nursing Students0$0
International Studies0$0
Jacqueline Leverett Tucker Endowed Fund for Pathology Education0$0
J. L. Bedsole Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Jag Card Services0$0
Jaguar Athletic Fund Unrestricted Giving7$1,324
Jack and Karen Rehm Endowed Scholarship for Sigma Chi0$0
Jag Pantry4$430
Jag Vet-Student Veterans Endowed Scholarship2$571
Jaguar Battalion Alumni0$0
Jake Gibbs Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering1$260
Jacqueline Quinn Gray Scholarship2$1,025
Jaguar Investment Fund0$0
James A. and Frances H. Yance Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Law Student Athletes0$0
Jaguar Athletic Fund Football Gridiron Club0$0
Jaguar Realty Endowed Scholarship0$0
Janet Mahan-Sum Humanities Scholarship for Teachers in History0$0
Jaguar Retention Grant Program0$0
Janee Lambert Bonner Endowed Scholarship0$0
Jeannette G. and Julius Kretzer Endowed Scholarship0$0
Jaguar Realty0$0
Jaguar Marching Band Facility Gifts6$3,068
Jane Wilson Scholarship in English0$0
Jeanne M. Sanderford Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education and Professional Studies0$0
Jaguar Marching Band Facility Gifts6$3,068
Jane Walker Milburn and William Plaxco Walker Scholarship for Nursing0$0
James E. Denmark Memorial Scholarship in Geology and Geography0$0
Jean McIver Endowed Scholarship in English1$260
Jane and Robert Moore Endowed Scholarship3$1,065
Jean Jumonville Gaston Memorial Scholarship for Future Educators0$0
Jim and Diana Laier Endowed Scholarship1$52
Joe and Audrey Shewmake Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Jared Adkins Physics Scholarship0$0
Jewish Studies0$0
Joan Marie Stewart Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Med Students0$0
Jazz Band0$0
Jewish Studies Operating Fund0$0
JoAnn Broadus Endowed Scholarship in Nursing0$0
John A. Freeman Biology Scholarship Fund2$140
Jean F. and Julius E. Marx Fund in Philosophy0$0
Jim and Carol Statter Endowment Fund0$0
Jeremy Steven Blanton Scholarship0$0
Joan M. Sinnott Comparative Psychology Graduate Assistantship0$0
Joe and Mary Ann Cromeans Scholarship for Theater and Dance0$0
John C. Sipple Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship0$0
Jim and Dianne Moore Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Fund1$500
Joe and Audrey Shewmake Computing and Math Scholarship0$0
John and Coralie Toomey Endowed Scholarship in Music0$0
Jo Bonner Presidential Initiatives Endowment1$50
Joe and Mary Ann Cromeans Scholarship for Allied Health0$0
John Coker Endowed Scholarship in Philosophy2$45
John H. Chester Memorial Scholarship in Music1$20
Jim and Liz Connors Hospitality Management Scholarship Endowment0$0
Joe and Mary Ann Cromeans Scholarship for Nursing0$0
John and Louise Beard Alabama Nurses Association Scholarship0$0
John Goodroe Endowed Book Fund for Ellwood (Woody) Hannum & Joseph Nigot0$0
Joanne Wasserman Memorial Scholarship in Music Endowment Fund1$25
John A. Desak Award0$0
John F. Gray Memorial Scholarship1$20
John A. and Barbara F. Peterson Scholarship Endowment Fund1$260
John Counts Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
John and Carolyn Conn Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
John F. Gray VA Student Bunker in the Baugh Biomedical Library0$0
John D. Meredith Communications Scholarship0$0
John Hadley Strange Scholarship Endowment0$0
Joseph N. Langan Scholarship0$0
John Faggard Geology Scholarship Fund0$0
John W. Donald Memorial Scholarship Fund in Surgery0$0
Josephine Wood Tillinghast Endowed Scholarship in Education Fund0$0
Kappa Delta0$0
Keasler Spillers Scholarship Endowment0$0
John G. LaRussa Family Endowed Chair in Psychiatry0$0
John L. and Alice Tanner Chair of Pulmonary Medicine0$0
Jon Leiber Clubhouse0$0
Kappa Alpha Order, Epsilon Alpha Chapter Endowed Scholarship0$0
John L. and Mary Frances Sullivan Endowed Scholarship in Accounting0$0
Joseph and Kathleen Denton Endowed Scholarship0$0
K. Elliott Hagler Memorial Award0$0
Kathy Gruner Memorial Scholarship for Future Educators0$0
Kish Du Family Endowed Student Assistance Award0$0
Laura Christine Prine Memorial Endowed Scholarship0$0
Leonard A. Macaluso Undergraduate Scholarship0$0
John T. Crowder Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Law Students0$0
Joseph Shea Kelly Endowment Fund0$0
Kappa Alpha Psi0$0
John W. Laidlaw Endowed Scholarship in Music1$91
Joycelyn Franklin Finley Trailblazer Scholarship Endowment1$100
Karen Hamilton Endowed RN to BSN Nursing Scholarship0$0
Kelly Estle Endowed Scholarship in Social Work Fund0$0
John Zuhowski Opera Theatre Memorial Fund1$300
Julius E. Marx Photographic Collection0$0
Kappa Sigma House Project Fund0$0
John W. Laidlaw Endowed Scholarship in Music (Laidlaw Scholars)2$130
Julien E. Marx Memorial Endowed Scholarship0$0
Karen Hamilton Endowed Nursing Scholarship0$0
Kent and Green Families Breaking Barriers in Education Endowment Fund1$1,000
Laidlaw-Music Dept0$0
Leadership in Social Justice and Perseverance Scholarship Fund6$703
Jyothi and Venkat Thumula Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Katherine L. Richardson Scholarship Fund0$0
Kate Seawell Endowed Scholarship in Art Fund1$10
Klie Davis Faulkner Scholarship in Occupational Therapy0$0
Laura and Wayne Davis Accounting Scholarship0$0
Kay McMasters Rickman Scholarship0$0
LaDora Farley-Howard Black Faculty and Staff Association Scholarship0$0
Laura Lee Pattillo Norquist Foundation Endowed Scholarship0$0
Leeman Harper Covey Scholars Program0$0
Linda J. Reaves Endowment for Educators in Science and Math0$0
Khimenko Family Endowed Scholarship0$0
Larry Hays Green Memorial Scholarship in Geology Endowment0$0
Lavonne Simon Endowed Book Award0$0
Leonardi Family Endowed Scholarship in Business0$0
Lions/USA Eye Research Foundation0$0
Kimberly Moore Eblen Endowed Scholarship in Marketing0$0
Laparis Wingfield Maternal Research Endowment Fund0$0
Lewis Family Scholarship in Civil Engineering0$0
Littleton Endowed Scholarship in Radiological Sciences0$0
Laidlaw Fund - Drama Department Portion**0$0
LaVern and T.J. Smith Endowed Research Fund0$0
Les and Alleen Barnett Endowed Scholarship Fund1$300
Lindeman Memorial Scholarship in Art History0$0
Louise Austin McGrew Scholarship in Social Work Endowed Fund0$0
Lang Family Endowment Fund1$130
Lavord and Doris Crook Endowed Scholarship0$0
Lewis D. Anderson/Frederick N. Meyer Resident Education Endowment0$0
Lisa Mitchell Bukstein Teaching Award0$0
Lee and David Stearns Children of Employees End Scholarship0$0
Lettie Pate Whitehead Annual Scholarship in Nursing0$0
Lisa Bethea Kavanagh Outstanding Young Alumni Award0$0
Magnes Scholarship0$0
Marching Band0$0
Les Radcliff Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy0$0
Lilley Family Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Locke Distinguished Chair of Pediatrics0$0
Malcolm R. Howell Scholarship0$0
Margie Malone Tuckson Murphy High School End Sch Fund0$0
Lisa Mitchell Bukstein Developing Students Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Loren Parmley Lectureship in Cardiology0$0
MABE Laboratory Fund0$0
Luther E. Clements Scholarship in Accounting Endowment Fund0$0
MACE/Raburn Engineering Scholarship0$0
Lung Biology Center Development4$7,990
Macy Wims Reid Scholarship0$0
Mapp Family Foundation Summer Enrichment Program0$0
Maria Marbus Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship0$0
Locke Distinguished Chair of Radiology0$0
Management Advisory Board Endowed Scholarship2$1,350
Margie Malone Tuckson LeFlore High School Endowed Scholarship Fund0$0
Marketing Department-Gifts0$0
Madhuri S. Mulekar Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics Fund1$10
Margaret Pol Foreign Language Scholarship0$0
Mark Fillers Scholarship in Memory of Valerie Evelyn Thacker Fillers Endowment1$50
MAA Room Naming - Medical School Capital Fund10$2,260
Mapp Family Campus0$0
Mark and Debra Swanzy Nursing Endowment Fund0$0
Marx Family Library Endowment Fund0$0
MaryAnn Blumer Endowed Scholarship in Nursing0$0
MCI Care Coordinator0$0
Margie Malone Tuckson Endowed Scholarship in Marketing0$0
Marjorie Faircloth Speech Pathology Scholarship1$2,000
Marx Scholarship in Philosophy- Pinebrook Scholars0$0
Math Department Gifts0$0
Management Faculty Development Fund0$0
Margot Frank Barrow Nursing Scholarship0$0
Mark K. McDonald Memorial Fund0$0
Mark Weaver Endowed Entrepreneurial Scholarship0$0
Mary Ahn Nursing Scholarship0$0
Math and Science Academy0$0
Martino Alzheimers Research0$0
Mary Noland Glass Art Endowment Fund0$0
McDonald Family Scholarship Fund0$0
Mehul Parikh Memorial Scholarship for MBA Students0$0
Marshall J. Walton Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund0$0
Mary Francis Robertson and Molly Lou Jones Scholarship0$0
MCI Equipment Fund - AAM Gift0$0
McCall Library Support Fund0$0
Mary Ann Talley Memorial Endowment1$10
Mayer Mitchell Quarterback Endowment Fund0$0
Mechanical Engineering Gifts0$0
Marx Library20$1,365
McDonald DayZero Endowed Scholarship0$0
Mechanical Engineering Projects0$0
Melton Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Family Business Institute0$0
McKibbon Hospitality Leadership Scholarship0$0
Mellick Foundation Global Health and International Medicine Endowment Fund0$0
McKinney Family Endowed Scholarship for Track Students0$0
Mellick Foundation Trumpet Scholarship in Music0$0
Meisler Jewish Studies0$0
Medical Alumni Scholarship0$0
Melton Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Coastal Venture Competition0$0
Donor Map
Donor Affiliations
Book icon1%Students
Gradhat icon43%Alumni
Parent icon1%Parents
Suitcase icon88%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon2%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Ginny Turner photo
Ginny Turner
Andra Bohnet photo
Andra Bohnet
An Anonymous Donor
An Anonymous Donor
H.W. McAtee photo
H.W. McAtee
Laura D Estes photo
Laura D Estes
Tonyia A. Percy photo
Tonyia A. Percy
Jenifer K Eubanks photo
Jenifer K Eubanks
Laura E Sergeant photo
Laura E Sergeant
View All Donors



Offered a $25,000 match

Medical Alumni Association

Offered a $10,000 match

Shea Schindeler Sadler

Generated 13 clicks and 5 gifts, totaling $140

Community Advocates

Generated 161 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $130

Wesley Clark

Generated 1 gift, totaling $25

Amber Day

Generated 1 click