Uconn has a skydiving team?
That's right! We are the club skydiving team at the University of Connecticut. We are a competitive club sport at UConn and like to occasionally jump out of planes. Not only are we the premiere collegiate skydiving team, we also seek to grow our sport outside of competition.
How do you compete in skydiving?
You live!
Nah, just kidding. There are many different disciplines in skydiving from accuracy landings to formation skydiving. The UConn club frequently competes in 2, 4, and 6 person formation skydiving, and accuracy landing. In formation skydiving, you are given a series of formations to complete in the air and each formation is one point. The more formations that you complete in a given amount of time earns you more points. The team with the highest total number of points wins. We compete regionally and nationally, both in the air and in the wind tunnel. We also compete in sport accuracy, where you try to land your parachute as close as possible to a target in a field.

To accomplish this, though, we need your support. With your donation, we can continue to compete across the country, defending our title at the 2024 USPA Collegiate Skydiving Championship. Skydiving as college students isn't easy, and while we work hard to pay for practice, we always need more.
Any additional funds will be used for the general activities of the club.
Blue skies.