Gifts to Club Cycling contribute to...
The UConn club cycling team encompasses three different types of riding, mountain, road and cyclocross. Throughout the year the different disciplines are split up into three different race seasons, fall, winter and spring respectively. Some members of the club choose to join on team rides for practice and forgo the racing. The team will use donated funds to assist travel for the race teams, as well as purchase equipment that the team will use to succeed. Any additional funds will be used for the general activities of the group.
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Community Advocates
Generated 4264 clicks and 550 gifts, totaling $26,893santina
Generated 758 clicks and 122 gifts, totaling $3,565Anonymous
Offered a $2,500 match
Celia Gruber
Generated 387 clicks and 33 gifts, totaling $1,949Sarah Nowacki
Generated 322 clicks and 26 gifts, totaling $934Grayson Glasgow
Generated 221 clicks and 13 gifts, totaling $925Nicole Loftus
Generated 66 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $516Union Meat Company
Gave $500 during a Challenge!