Hey 89!
Over the last 4.5 years, we’ve had extraordinary engagement as a class in providing a gift to our Alma Mater. We exceeding our overall fundraising goal of $400K by 75% (to $703K), we’ve increased our number of unique donors, and many of you have answered my call back in February to start a new pledge of $19.89/mo or by increasing your pledge by $19.89/mo. The bad news is that we’re still ~$104K short of our goal of raising $320K for the Cyber Center, but we still have much to be proud of with our overall support!
We can still hit that $320K goal for Cyber Support if only 89 of us make a new pledge for $19.89 a month for 5 years – but there’s a catch: we need to log our pledge by 12/31/19.
FIRE PIT GIVEAWAY: Below are pictures of the AWESOME Fire Pit that our classmate Tony Cox and his wife Kate created; it was also displayed at our reunion tailgater (and is now sitting in my garage). For every increment of $19.89 a month that you pledge over the next 5 years, you'll get an entry into the Fire Pit giveaway! So, a $19.89 pledge gets you 1 entry, a $40 (at least $39.78) pledge gets you 2 entries, and so on. Rules: it has to be at least a $19.89 monthly pledge for 5 years, and you have to make that pledge by 12/31/19. You could also make a one-time gift of $1193.40, if you prefer to do it that way, but you have to make that gift by 12/31/19.
WHAT TO DO NEXT: If you think you can join me in pledging $19.89 a month for the next five years, just click the obvious button on this page, write $19.89 in the box, select monthly, and a period of 5 years.
WANT TO JUST BUY THE FIRE PIT? The '89 Fire Pit is not yet ready for sale, but Tony and Kate are working on making them available for purchase.
Thanks for your help!
Ingar Grev
’89 Class President

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