Full Circle
Nine years ago, Darren Oakley was at UNC Hospitals with his wife, whose labor sadly ended in a stillbirth. Darren was surprised to receive a visit from a hospital chaplain, Darryl Owens, women's services and bereavement chaplain, who asked Darren how he was feeling. Darren said: “I didn’t know what to say. I was just trying to support my wife. A few months later, I got a card from Darryl. And I just sat in my truck and cried.”
A few years later, Darren saw an ad for chaplains, and thought, “That’s what I want to do: make a difference for people who are suffering.” Darren continued, “As part of my education we were supposed to interview a chaplain, and I interviewed Darryl. And I thought, ‘This man is for real. So genuine.’ And Darryl said, ‘When you are ready, come do your chaplaincy education at UNC.’ So I did. And I’m so grateful for Darryl’s encouragement.”
Darren is not the first student to come to UNC for chaplaincy education because of the care he received here. With your support, our chaplains and students will continue to make a difference for the people of North Carolina.
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