Drone Soccer Team Kits for Frankford HS

10% of $16,500 goal
This campaign ended on June 28, 2023, but you can still make a gift to The Fund for the School District of Philadelphia by clicking here!

The one-of-a-kind Aviation Program at Frankford High School is ready to compete in the World Cup! The FAI's newest sanctioned worldwide aerial sport, Drone Soccer, provides students an opportunity to learn and apply the principles of drone flight in an exciting, competitive way.  This opportunity will engage and recruit more students to our growing aviation program, where they can eventually earn their private pilot or commercial drone licenses.  In addition to learning about drone technology, programming, and flight, they will develop collaboration and communication skills while working as a team.

For our students to be able to compete in this new sport made up of teams from high schools, community groups, and colleges across the country, we need the official drones and equipment required. Our students will build and test their drones, then be able to compete with other teams in the greater Philadelphia area. They could qualify for state, national, and world cup competitions with enough practice.

Additionally, we will showcase our drone soccer teams at events around the district to generate excitement and interest in this rapidly growing area of aviation. To help with this outreach goal, we need an inflatable drone soccer arena that can be easily transported, set up, and taken down. The portability of this type of arena will allow us to reach more students.

Our drone students get the opportunity to learn how to create professional-quality aerial photos and videos.  Scroll down for some examples from our current students.

At Frankford, we are known as the "home of champions" due to the wide range of competitive sports we offer our students. Drone soccer will be a modern addition to our tradition of excellence and provide opportunities for our students who want to compete in non-traditional activities.

*If we do not meet our fundraising goal, we will use these funds to support this or another vital need at our school!

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Donor Affiliations
Suitcase icon31%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon62%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Kellie Hinkle photo
Kellie Hinkle
William Rabadi photo
William Rabadi
Karen Fegely photo
Karen Fegely
rona Zucker kaplan photo
rona Zucker kaplan
Shiri Sandler photo
Shiri Sandler
An Anonymous Donor
An Anonymous Donor
Patricia DiLella photo
Patricia DiLella
Jeaneane Kozlowski photo
Jeaneane Kozlowski
Joseph Fraioli photo
Joseph Fraioli


Joshua Bergerson

Generated 223 clicks and 4 gifts, totaling $200

Community Advocates

Generated 119 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $50

Michael J. Calderone

Generated 27 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $25
