Child HELP Partnership (CHP) at St. John’s University is actively working to address the increasing mental health challenges faced by children and their families due to COVID-19.
The CHP team, having helped thousands of children who are trauma survivors (e.g. 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy), has created the COVID-19 MENTAL HEALTH SURVEY for school children (ages 9-17) and their caregivers to understand how severe and widespread the mental health consequences of COVID-19 are.
With support from Queens Borough President Sharon Lee, we are launching this survey in Queens, NY, which was particularly hard hit. The survey is available in 7 languages (English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Bengali, Russian and Haitian Creole)— so we can hear the voices of children and their families who typically go unheard and help lead the way to recovery for the most vulnerable in our communities.
Our goal is to raise $6,000 to survey 300 children and their caregivers. Every $20 donation lets us hear another family’s struggles. The more children and families who participate, the better we will understand how to help them.
Please give now to CHP so we can change the course of children’s lives. The sooner children receive the support they need after experiencing trauma, the faster they heal.
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