Give Day 2023

112% of $350,000 goal
This campaign ended on July 10, 2023, but you can still make a gift to Spring Hill College by clicking here!

As the SHC community stands behind its 39th President, Dr. Mary H. Van Brunt, in renewing our commitment as a campus to our values and mission, we invite donors to explore ways to support the SHC mission of forming leaders engaged in learning, faith, justice, and service for life. 

Whether you wish to support Spring Hill College through contributing to the where the need is greatest fund or you select a specific aspect/fund that reflects your love of SHC, Give Day becomes a tool where you to learn more about our mission, how it's being realized, and how you can actively support the renewal and reinvigoration of SHC and its commitment to the Jesuit principle of cura personalis---the care and development of the full personโ€“mind, body and spirit.

SHC takes a holistic approach at forming leaders through a tailored approach that stimulates traits that will carry our students and alumni far in their professional and personal lives as active community members. Our College seeks to elevate the people, place, and purpose entrusted in its care through the following avenues:

Academic Excellence
Personal Development

Matches & Challenges

Donation Challenge

$10,000 if 68 donors give in the next over 1 year

Challenge Complete!

Offered by Anonymous


Donation Challenge

$500 if 20 donors give in the next over 1 year

Challenge Complete!

For Division of Communication, Fine and Performing Arts

Offered by Kevin Smith


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $10,000

Match Complete!

For Faculty Innovation Support Fund

Offered by Peggy Rolando


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $10,000

Match Complete!

For The Presidential Leadership Fund

Offered by John Barter & Mary Lou


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

For Student Emergency Fund

Offered by John Barter & Mary Lou


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

For Where Spring Hill's Need is Greatest

Offered by Martha Morris Kendall


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

For Chief Scholarship

Offered by Anonymous


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

For Faculty Innovation Support Fund

Offered by John Barter & Mary Lou


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

For Campus Ministry

Offered by John Barter & Mary Lou


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

Offered by Derek & Brandi (Collins) Wright


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $5,000

Match Complete!

For The Presidential Leadership Fund

Offered by Tom & Carol Byrne


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $4,000

Match Complete!

For Class of 1961 Scholarship

Offered by Anonymous


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $2,500

Match Complete!

For The Presidential Leadership Fund

Offered by Dr. Jay Shannon & Robin


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $2,500

Match Complete!

Offered by Peggy Cussen & Paul Cussen


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $2,500

Match Complete!

For Where Spring Hill's Need is Greatest

Offered by Dr. Jay Shannon & Robin


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $2,000

Match Complete!

For Rev. Bobby Rimes, S.J. Center for Campus Ministry

Offered by Drs. Jennifer and Chuck Wootten


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $1,000

Match Complete!

For Class of 1993

Offered by Brad Copenhaver & Joanna MacLean Copenhaver


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $250

Match Complete!

For Honors Program

Offered by Susie Boucher

Give Day FAQs
Together, We're Better!


A big heartfelt THANK YOU! to our SHC Badger Family. Together, we made big things happen today. You each answered the call to give to a place near and dear to your hearts, investing in what Spring Hill College is all about: the people, the place, the purpose

Each gift and every individual phone call/text/email to your network members has added up to to SUCCESS for SHC on Give Day 2023. Give Days are about grassroots fundraising and this success is a collective celebration!

There are still gifts rolling in both online and offline---once final tallies are pulled together, we'll be announcing the winners of the Give Day Incentive Funds, expect these details in the next 2 weeks. Funds and Divisions coming in first place will have an additional $10,000 added to their dayโ€™s fundraising efforts, second place will enjoy an additional $5,000, and third place will receive a $2,500 enhancement to the dayโ€™s totals. We can't wait to share these updates with you---STAY TUNED!


537 days ago by Ann Eleece Kouns
That Was Fast!

Y'all answered the call and we've breezed past 700 donors! The anonymous donor's $10,000 challenge has been unlocked and has been added to the Spring Hill College Fund! 

Between our passionate donor base and inspired investors, we have been offered $15,000 if we can unlock $350,000! Can we do it? Absolutely! Badgers, let's keep getting the word out among our personal networks! 

I hope each of you have been enjoying the amazing content our SHC community has been sharing all day on personal social networks! From students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, parents and everyone in-between, stories of donor impact and the passion you each have for The Hill has inspired so many of us. This is reflected in the donor count and total fundraising---THANK YOU! 


537 days ago by Ann Eleece Kouns
Together, Let's Unlock 700 Donors!

We are so proud of our Spring Hill College family! We have surpassed our 7 year average donor count for Give Day! When we started back in 2016, 442 Badgers said "count me in!" Through the years, we have grown to expect, on average, around 602 donors for the campaign.

Our community is fully embracing the spirit of renovare' and we are humbled at the participation we have observed so far. We're not done yet! If you've already participated, please open your personal networks and encourage other SHC community members to show their #badgerpride by supporting Give Day 2023!

To help us reach 700 donors, we have had an anonymous donor offer a $10,000 gift to Where Spring Hill College's Need is Greatest----but it has to be unlocked!

Let's rise to the anonymous donors challenge by reaching 700 donors and secure the additional $10,000 for the SHC Fund! 


537 days ago by Ann Eleece Kouns
Introducing Give Day 2023 Incentives!

538 days ago by Ann Eleece Kouns

All Areas of Impact for Give Day 2023
Area of Impact DonorsRaised ($)
Campus Ministry70$21,589
Campus Life117$102,355
Academic Divisions107$14,859
Gifts in the Spirit of Renewal
Gifts in the Spirit of RenewalDonorsRaised ($)
Zoghby-DeVaney Memorial Scholarship1$50
Emily Henry Mackin Scholarship1$50
Division of Languages and Literature6$235
Women's Tennis0$0
Where Spring Hill's Need is Greatest288$116,229
Men's Track & Field/Cross Country3$360
Division of Science and Mathematics20$4,640
Staff Innovation and Development Fund19$4,370
International Service Immersion Program18$1,150
G. Justin Ehni Memorial Endowed Scholarship2$50
Rev. Bobby Rimes, S.J. Center for Campus Ministry48$19,189
Student Emergency Fund34$16,341
Chief Scholarship57$18,935
Division of Business19$1,695
Renovarรฉ: Presidential Initiatives Fund71$64,831
Division of Communication, Fine and Performing Arts29$3,951
Bowling - Women's0$0
Women's Track & Field/Cross Country2$60
Badger Club1$10
Athletic Trainers0$0
Friends of the Library2$50
Women's Soccer4$170
Foley Center0$0
The Italy Center4$1,365
Center for Academic Support and Advising1$50
Men's Soccer6$961
Men's Basketball11$3,335
Faculty Innovation Support Fund28$37,794
Burke Center16$2,760
Cheerleading & Dance2$600
Men's Rugby5$325
Division of Social Sciences9$780
Give Day 2023 Incentives5$35,050
Beach Volleyball3$125
Meg Demeranville Memorial Scholarship Fund9$650
Daniel C. Aubuchon Memorial Scholarship3$200
Women's Golf2$50
Entrepreneurship Fund0$0
Mary York Nursing Scholarship6$5,600
Men's Tennis2$150
Fannie E. Motley Scholarship 1$15
Men's Golf2$200
Division of Philosophy and Theology9$1,108
Women's Basketball0$0
Division of Nursing9$1,275
Bowling - Men's1$100
National Alumni Association Project Fund12$4,250
St. Joseph's Chapel6$1,250
Division of Education4$550
See Who is Giving
See Who is GivingDonorsRaised ($)
First-time Donor19$2,550
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon61%Alumni
Book icon1%Students
Parent icon9%Parents
Suitcase icon10%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon7%Friends
Friends icon3%First-time Donor
Most Recent Donors
Annie Grace Bonis photo
Annie Grace Bonis
Michelle A Brochu photo
Michelle A Brochu
Jennifer Mitternight photo
Jennifer Mitternight
Claudine and Daryn Kratz photo
Claudine and Daryn Kratz
Racheal Brantley Banks photo
Racheal Brantley Banks
An Anonymous Donor
Lizzie Griffith photo
Lizzie Griffith
Celeste Hollis photo
Celeste Hollis
Nancy Conrad photo
Nancy Conrad
Elizabeth M Bailey photo
Elizabeth M Bailey
View All Donors


Community Advocates photo
generated 718 clicks and 72 gifts, totaling $13,220
Anonymous photo
Gave $10,000 during a Challenge!
John Barter photo
John Barter
Heart icon matched a total of $10,000
Peggy Rolando photo
Peggy Rolando
Heart icon matched a total of $10,000
Derek photo
Heart icon matched a total of $5,000
Martha Morris Kendall photo
Martha Morris Kendall
Heart icon matched a total of $5,000
John Barter photo
John Barter
Heart icon matched a total of $5,000
John Barter photo
John Barter
Heart icon matched a total of $5,000
Tom & Carol Byrne photo
Tom & Carol Byrne
Heart icon matched a total of $5,000
John Barter photo
John Barter
Heart icon matched a total of $5,000