Southern's Day of Caring is committed to helping enrich the lives of students, and help provide immediate financial support to current students who face unexpected costs related to their health and wellness, access to technology and basic human needs.
Southern is a social justice university built on the pillars of dignity, respect, kindness, compassion, and civility.
Together we are ONE Southern, and we will work together to assure every student receives an exceptional education and the support they need.
#SCSUDayofCaring #ONESouthern
Become an advocate and share the Day of Caring message to your friends and family! Check out the Day of Caring Toolkit for tips and tricks!

Attention Students!
Dr. D has challenged all student donors during Southern's Day of Caring on April 3rd! He will match ALL student donor's gifts up to $5,000!! Make your $25 senior gift today and get matched by Dr. D!
Which challenge will you compete for?!

Not sure how to spread the word about Day of Caring to your friends and family?! Check out the recommended advocacy timeline and visit the Day of Caring Advocacy Tool Kit for tips and tricks!
Sign Up with GiveCampus (top right corner!) and share your own personal giving link, upload to social media, text, email and more!
334 days ago by Kaitlin IngerickDonors
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