Support SHUNA (Seton Hall United Nations Association)

0% of 50 Donor goal
This campaign ended on June 01, 2024, but you can still make a gift to Seton Hall University by clicking here!
Gifts to Support SHUNA (Seton Hall United Nations Association) contribute to...
SHU Student Orgs Crowdfunding Fall 2023
111 Donors - $2,513 Donated

The Seton Hall United Nations Association is a club for students interested in public speaking, research, debate, and teamwork. The club travels to conferences at different colleges and universities to compete in a debate-type setting in order to resolve various international issues and problems (both fictional, historic, and real). In the past our students have brought an end to the Mexican drug war, fought off Voldemort, and amended the IAEA's treaty in regards to nuclear energy–at least in theory. The Seton Hall United Nations Association brings an extra awareness of international occurrences to campus and helps aid students in realizing that they have the potential to change the world.

"SHUNA" is raising funds to help bring our delegates to competitive collegiate conferences and hosting our own conference, SHUMUN, for high school students interested in Model UN. 

Donations will be used directly to support our organization in various ways, such as augmenting our current budget for SHUMUN and contributing to travel and registration fees for out-of-state conferences.

Student Leaders

No updates for this campaign.


Community Advocates

Generated 740 clicks and 16 gifts, totaling $391

Nicole Caldera

Generated 106 clicks

Daniela LeCras

Generated 15 clicks

Casey Fish

Generated 13 clicks