24 Hours. 350 Donors. 1 MBU
For only 24 hours on Thursday, April 11, 2024, we challenge 350 alumni, faculty, staff, parents and students to show their support of Missouri Baptist University with a gift of any size. Your support makes an impact and helps to support the MBU community. Once again, on Give Day this year, supporters may designate their gift to one of many top giving initiatives. These initiatives include our academic divisions, athletic and fine arts programs, student scholarships, endowment and more! How will you celebrate MBU on Give Day?
Spartans Helping Spartans
Click the Advocate tab above and encourage others to show their support. Spread the word about MBU Give Day on social media (check out the MBU Give Day Toolkit for ideas). Email your friends to challenge them to give. Post a video on the MBU Give Day page to share why you love MBU. Only you can help us reach the goal of 350 donors in 24 hours!
*Please note that a small portion of funds raised will cover administrative costs.

Spartan Nation, we reached our goal of 350 donors in 24 hours for 1 MBU! Thank you for your generous support as we continue to give MBU students the hope to SHINE. Time to celebrate!
302 days ago by Abby Kassebaum
Let's go, Spartans! Because of you we are over halfway to our goal of 350 donors. Thank you for your support and let's finish SPARTAN STRONG!
302 days ago by Abby KassebaumDonors
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