Day for the Knights 2023

93% of 2,030 Donor goal
This campaign ended on March 30, 2023, but you can still make a gift to Marian University by clicking here!

We are continuing our Journey to 2030: Always Forward to build a better future for our university and students. On this day, we will celebrate on campus and ask all who believe in the Marian mission and values to donate to the Marian school, team, scholarship, and other initiatives that are near and dear to you. You may have questions—and we have answers:

What is it? Day for the Knights: The single largest donor day in Marian history!

What is the goal? 2,030 donors supporting Marianโ€™s schools, athletics, students, and initiatives

Who is this day for? This day is for everyone who believes in Marianโ€™s mission to be a great Catholic university dedicated to achieving excellence in learning, which is achieved through teaching, research, and scholarly activities in the Franciscan and liberal arts tradition. Whether you are on campus, an alumni, parent of a student, or simply a Friend of Marian, we need you!

How can I get involved?

  • Donate!
  • Ask your friends, family, and colleagues to support;
  • Follow us and share our messaging on social media;
  • If you are on campus, join one of the many events hosted by our schools, clubs, and athletic teams.
#DayForTheKnights2023 Challenges

Help us complete our challenges and unlock more than $85,000 for #DayForTheKnights2023! You could even win a prize along the way.

$50,000 Alumni Challenge
For every 100 Marian University alumni that give, we unlock a $5,000 gift, up to $50,000. This means we need 1,000 alumni to give to complete this challenge!

$10,000 Alumni Challenge
Once we receive our 1,000th alumni gift, we will unlock an additional $10,000, specifically designated for the new Alumni House at Allison Mansion!

$10,000 Athletics Challenge
The top THREE athletic teams that bring in the most donors (as shown on the leaderboard below) will split $10,000 in challenge funds!

$10,000 Knight's M-Club Challenge
Once we receive our 100th gift for the Knight's M-Club, we will unlock $10,000!

$2,500 Study Abroad Challenge
Dollar-for-dollar, we will unlock up to $2,500 for the Study Abroad designation!


We're giving away a limited-number of Sr. Norma Rocklage, OSF, Ph. D., '60 bucket hats! The only way to win them is to spread the word? Become an advocate below and start sending out your unique link. If you're one of the people who bring in the most gifts (donors, not dollars), you'll win one!

#DayForTheKnights2023 Limited-edition Hawaiian-print Shirt

*This is an on-campus only offer*
Any donation of or more than $5 makes you eligible for a limited-edition Day for the Knights Hawaiian-print shirt. Starting at 9 a.m., we will have a table in the Dining Commons, where you can donate or show proof of donation and get a shirt. 

This is first-come, first-served, while supplies last.

531 days ago by Drew Gaidosh

Top Dollars for All Designations
Designation NameDonorsRaised ($)
Religious Art and Architecture5$140
Jackson's Troop Football Endowed Scholarship0$0
Program in Exercise or Sports Science3$50
Daniel J. and Beth Elsener Helping Hands Endowment Fund2$300
San Damiano Scholars for Church Leadership178$9,442
Professional Development Programming2$205
Marian Knight Dancers1$50
1851 Helping Hands Fund for Faculty and Staff2$125
City Connects (KEC)1$50
Community Programming3$83
Men's Bowling10$520
World Youth Day15$365
Men's Cross Country12$144
Latino Leadership Initiative10$2,436
Women's Golf75$2,071
21st Century Scholars17$345
Marian University Scholarship Fund119$7,970
Women's Soccer43$4,019
Men's Track & Field72$2,599
Men's Football46$5,758
Men's Baseball24$2,419
Alumni House at Allison Mansion36$12,379
Unpaid Internship/Professional Aid26$611
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MU-COM)19$6,230
Athletic Facilities Fund14$21,290
Women's Softball10$760
Women's Basketball17$6,990
Knight's M-Club86$15,435
Bishop Brute College Seminary Scholarship Fund19$910
E. S. Witchger School of Engineering (ESW-SOE)25$2,656
IT Department17$345
Men's Tennis7$450
School of Global and Cultural Studies (CAS)20$365
Women of Marian22$5,360
Study Abroad13$3,870
Byrum School of Business (BSOB)55$3,851
Men's Rugby25$1,179
Men's Soccer9$268
Fred S. Klipsch Educators College (KEC)48$4,800
Men's Golf37$8,915
Men's Basketball26$6,270
Accessibility Support11$440
2013 A.T. Still Society53$5,114
Women's Lacrosse7$385
Women's Tennis6$230
School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry (CAS)6$1,330
Angel Alumni Scholarship Fund11$585
Sisters Legacy Fund15$523
Summer Leadership Camp0$0
Marian University's Saint Joseph's College2$20
Marian University's Ancilla College7$345
Leighton School of Nursing (LSON)46$2,236
School of Science and Mathematics (CAS)12$875
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)146$2,809
Women's Volleyball156$16,167
Transformational Leadership Conference1$5
Center for Vibrant Schools (KEC)9$785
Men's Wrestling10$769
School of Behavioral and Applied Social Sciences (CAS)6$85
Knightro's Pantry Fund43$905
Spectrum of Knights4$135
Multicultural Programming7$240
Top Donors for All Designations
Designation NameDonorsRaised ($)
City Connects (KEC)1$50
Angel Alumni Scholarship Fund11$585
Alumni House at Allison Mansion36$12,379
Fred S. Klipsch Educators College (KEC)48$4,800
Men's Golf37$8,915
School of Global and Cultural Studies (CAS)20$365
Unpaid Internship/Professional Aid26$611
Men's Track & Field72$2,599
Men's Baseball24$2,419
Women's Basketball17$6,990
E. S. Witchger School of Engineering (ESW-SOE)25$2,656
Bishop Brute College Seminary Scholarship Fund19$910
Men's Rugby25$1,179
Byrum School of Business (BSOB)55$3,851
Athletic Facilities Fund14$21,290
Women of Marian22$5,360
Latino Leadership Initiative10$2,436
2013 A.T. Still Society53$5,114
Knightro's Pantry Fund43$905
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MU-COM)19$6,230
IT Department17$345
Men's Basketball26$6,270
21st Century Scholars17$345
Knight's M-Club86$15,435
Study Abroad13$3,870
Men's Football46$5,758
School of Science and Mathematics (CAS)12$875
Leighton School of Nursing (LSON)46$2,236
Women's Golf75$2,071
World Youth Day15$365
Accessibility Support11$440
Center for Vibrant Schools (KEC)9$785
Men's Bowling10$520
Sisters Legacy Fund15$523
Men's Cross Country12$144
Women's Soccer43$4,019
Women's Volleyball156$16,167
Women's Softball10$760
Men's Soccer9$268
Women's Tennis6$230
Religious Art and Architecture5$140
School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry (CAS)6$1,330
Women's Lacrosse7$385
School of Behavioral and Applied Social Sciences (CAS)6$85
1851 Helping Hands Fund for Faculty and Staff2$125
Marian University Scholarship Fund119$7,970
San Damiano Scholars for Church Leadership178$9,442
Marian University's Saint Joseph's College2$20
Summer Leadership Camp0$0
Program in Exercise or Sports Science3$50
Transformational Leadership Conference1$5
Daniel J. and Beth Elsener Helping Hands Endowment Fund2$300
Men's Tennis7$450
Jackson's Troop Football Endowed Scholarship0$0
Spectrum of Knights4$135
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)146$2,809
Marian Knight Dancers1$50
Multicultural Programming7$240
Marian University's Ancilla College7$345
Community Programming3$83
Professional Development Programming2$205
Men's Wrestling10$769
Donor Map
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon24%Alumni
Book icon11%Students
Parent icon10%Parents
Suitcase icon19%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon15%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Mariah photo
Alice Mattingly photo
Alice Mattingly
Jessica Engel photo
Jessica Engel
Melvin Wilhelm & Patricia Wilhelm photo
Melvin Wilhelm & Patricia Wilhelm
The Isaacs Family photo
The Isaacs Family
Todd Turnock photo
Todd Turnock
William H. Woodman photo
William H. Woodman
Denise photo
Celia photo
Tony Kestranek photo
Tony Kestranek
View All Donors


Community Advocates photo
generated 422 clicks and 34 gifts, totaling $2,069
Deidre  photo
generated 43 clicks and 15 gifts, totaling $410
Linny Rousseau photo
generated 71 clicks and 7 gifts, totaling $215
generated 14 clicks and 5 gifts, totaling $175
Megan Swaim  photo
generated 10 clicks and 5 gifts, totaling $115
Deidre photo
generated 11 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $105
Thomas Sheridan photo
generated 1 gift, totaling $100
Katie Rzepka Staples photo
Becky Frey
generated 1 gift, totaling $100
Reece Davis photo
generated 20 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $80
Madalyn Pemberton photo
generated 7 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $80