Macalester Flat Earth (the Open Ultimate Frisbee Team) is in our 3rd year and having a fantastic spring season. We are ranked 21st in the country (!!!) and have been able to bring 25 players to tournaments at the University of Minnesota, and in St. Louis, Missouri. We have come along way in 3 years, from barely being able to field a team, to now having a dedicated group of 25+ lovely individuals who have shown incredible growth this year. We plan on making a run at Nationals this season, and setting a competitive standard of what Macalester frisbee can look like for years to come. Give to Macalester Days is a wonderful opportunity for you to support our community with your generous gifts. Travel costs are our main expenditures, and with your help, we can attend more tournaments, and maybe branch out to tournaments outside the midwest! Additionally, we want to make our team as accessible as possible. Your gift will also allow us the ability to help pay for our players’ USAU membership, and their jerseys. Thank you so much, and Go Mac!