Varsity Sailing vs. Shooting Challenge

66% of 350 Donor goal
Match Gift! 19 hours left!
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This campaign ends on February 7 at 01:00PM EST
Gifts to Varsity Sailing vs. Shooting Challenge contribute to...
Dolphin Dash 2025
3,221 Donors - $2,535,376 Donated
About โœ๏ธ

GIVE FORWARD in support of Jacksonville University Varsity Sports! Varsity Sailing and Varsity Shooting go head to head to compete for top prizes up to $4,000! This iconic rivalry is always fun to watch. 

Sailing and Shooting teams will also compete head-to-head for these bonus prizes:

  • Fast Start (Most donors Feb. 3, 12am- 11:59pm): $200
  • Finish Strong (Most donors Feb. 7, 12am- 1:00pm): $200

P.S.: Make BIG waves for JU Varsity sports by using the social media toolkit for this challenge to help spread the word!

Leaderboards ๐Ÿ†

View All Donors
Varsity Sports Donors & Cash Raised
TeamDonorsRaised ($)
Varsity Shooting60$70,265
Varsity Sailing Team173$31,465
Donor Affiliations
Friends icon31%Friends
Parent icon25%Parents
Book icon13%Students
Gradhat icon9%Alumni
Suitcase icon3%Faculty/Staff
Most Recent Donors
Anastasios Ntivanidis
Anastasios Ntivanidis
Alexa Zaharchak
Alexa Zaharchak
Alyssa Rosso
Alyssa Rosso
Andrea Boknevitz
Andrea Boknevitz
Adam Biwer
Adam Biwer
William Barton
William Barton
Trudy Steinhardt
Trudy Steinhardt
Margot Moran
Margot Moran
Jamie Shelton
Jamie Shelton
Douglas Steinhardt, Sr.
Douglas Steinhardt, Sr.

Giving Ambassadors ๐Ÿฌ

Tim and Stephanie Cost

Generated 1 gift, totaling $500
Offered a $88,605 match

Danielle Della Rocca

Generated 1051 clicks and 138 gifts, totaling $58,357

Community Advocates

Generated 1356 clicks and 239 gifts, totaling $17,454

Lauren Griffith

Generated 132 clicks and 30 gifts, totaling $12,775

Alexander Simmons

Generated 178 clicks and 31 gifts, totaling $6,590
Offered a $1,000 match


Offered a $7,514 match

Hazel Peters

Generated 108 clicks and 35 gifts, totaling $5,170

Natalie Dunlap

Generated 235 clicks and 29 gifts, totaling $3,856

JU Sailing Class of 2025

Generated 117 clicks and 31 gifts, totaling $3,079

Henry Scheidel '90

Generated 3 clicks
Offered a $2,500 match
View All Advocates

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