De Anza College’s unique self-supporting arts and humanities organizations, the California History Center and Euphrat Museum of Art, are hosting virtual events in fall and winter and the annual Taste of History fundraiser in spring. The series, inspired by the work of Poka Laenui, an indigenous Hawaiian activist, features creative content makers, cultural curators and community leaders.
For more information visit:
Our goal is to raise $35,000 by June 2021 to support high-quality arts and humanities education and creative expression for all ages at a time when it is most needed.
The arts and humanities are a powerful lens through which we can recover and rediscover our collective humanity. They offer a focal point for mourning and celebration and a platform for dreaming and action.
Help us use this power to:
• Train and mentor De Anza students in capturing and preserving the oral history of our elders.
• Provide safe spaces for creative expression for at-risk children and youth, both virtual and in-person.
• Research, produce and present one-of-a-kind timely exhibitions and collaborative public art projects.
• Bring inspiring speakers, artists, and change makers to campus and the community.
Thanks to you, our community stories will be seen, heard, and preserved!
Visit our websites at: and
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