The Class of 2021, like all classes before us and those to come after, has been supported by the generosity of donors -- alumni, parents, friends, even faculty and staff and fellow students open their wallets to enhance our education.
They've donated to things that we've all benefited from like financial aid, campus life, athletics, fine arts, dedicated faculty & staff, all current needs of the University and students like us.
Now it's our turn. Let's join together to reach (hopefully surpass!) 50% class participation—94 donors—before we graduate. Let's leave Doane University better than we found it.
First, it's just important that you give at all! Any gift of any amount truly does make a difference.
Second, when you give to the Doane Fund you can direct your gift to support areas of the university that have impacted you the most. You can direct your gift to support scholarships, athletics, fine arts, faculty & staff, campus life, or the areas of greatest need. Where do you want to make a difference? Give there!
Amazing! There are lots of ways for you to further support this campaign and GiveCampus University students.
- Make a gift of $20.21 and receive a special philanthropy cord to wear at graduation!
- Set up a recurring donation: We all have our Netflix or Spotify subscriptions that we are charged for monthly without a second thought. Giving back to Doane University can be just as easy! Consider setting up a $5 monthly gift to continually support the initiative of your choice! If you set up a $5 monthly gift, you'll be entered to win a Doane University swag bag!
- Give in honor of a professor, coach, director, or staff member: When you make your gift, you'll have the opportunity to honor a special Doane faculty or staff member who impacted your Doane experience. Just include their name on the giving form or Venmo transaction and we will notify that individual that you made a gift in their honor.
- Help spread the word about this campaign:
Step 1: Sign up to be an advocate.
Step 2: While logged into your advocate account, use Facebook, Twitter, Text, and Email buttons to help spread the word.
Step 3: Check back to the ‘advocates’ tab to see how many clicks, dollars, and donors you’ve generated for Friends Select.
If you generate 1 gift, you'll get a special social media shout-out. If you generate 5 gifts, you'll get a free 2021 Homecoming shirt.
No updates for this campaign.
View All DonorsCampus Initiatives | Donors | $ Raised |
Area of Greatest Need | 58 | $1,179 |
Athletics | 9 | $182 |
Scholarships | 4 | $86 |
Faculty/Staff Salaries | 4 | $111 |
Campus Life | 1 | $20 |
Fine Arts | 0 | $0 |