Support Cornish students during the
COVID-19 coronavirus emergency
We hope you are managing the coronavirus (COVID 19) health crisis as well as you can and staying safe. We are reaching out to you today in regards to the unprecedented challenges we are all experiencing due to the pandemic. We have established an Emergency Fund for Cornish students who urgently need your support.
Many of our students have to work to pay their basic bills, sometimes two or even three jobs, in addition to carrying a full course load. Their jobs are often in the service industry, which has been particularly hard-hit by unexpected shutdowns across Washington State.
Our Emergency Fund will support those who now face immediate financial hardship due to lost work as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. If you can, please help today.
You may also help by sharing our campaign page with your network. All funds raised will be distributed directly to our most impacted students. Donations are secure and fully tax deductible.
Students who are facing immediate hardship due to COVID-19,
Click here to apply for support.
The Cornish response to the COVID-19 crisis: We're located in the heart of Seattle, a particularly vulnerable location right now. Last week we made the very difficult decision to move to remote learning through the end of the Spring 2020 semester. The health and safety of our community is of tantamount importance, and we are following all recommended State, County, and City mandates and guidelines. Faculty and staff have united in developing a robust curriculum that will continue the quality education our students expect. We provided resources and support to our faculty and staff to assist them with these efforts.
Student support, counseling services, and dorm staff are on call to respond to emerging issues. Our residence hall, which opened in 2015, has the capacity and features to allow for possible isolation of residents, limited shared areas, and meal deliveries from our food provider. Non-essential staff have the option to work remotely, and we have implemented deep cleaning and sanitizing throughout our campuses. We have a dedicated page on our website where updates are posted regularly.
We trust that you are also experiencing disruptions in your life and we empathize with your challenges as we confront this new shared reality. We can all benefit from a little more support, kindness, and consideration at this time. Our students fearlessly pursue their artistic passions and enrich our society. If you are someone who has the capacity to donate any amount, please do.
Thank you for your time and loyal support of the arts. Take care of yourself.
P.S. We would love if you would consider sharing this campaign on social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.