CSM Hawks Student Emergency Fund

96% of 200 Donor goal
This campaign ended on May 05, 2020, but you can still make a gift to College of Southern Maryland by clicking here!

Unite with Hawks on May 5th for #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving created as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19 by giving to the CSM Hawks Student Emergency Fund. 100% of your donation will go directly to help students in need. Each and every dollar helps.

See how your donations Help a Hawk:

  • $100 helps students with groceries and incidentals
  • $200 helps students purchase books and supplies
  • $300 helps purchase technology
  • $500 pays for one course, which includes tuition and fees
  • $2,000 pays full-time tuition and fees for one semester

CHALLENGE. Calling all CSM Alumni!  Dr. Maureen Murphy and Mr. Joe McArdle will donate $25 for the first 100 CSM Alumni who donate to help our Hawks. Be sure to check the alumni box when you make your gift.

DOUBLE YOUR DONATION.  Generous donors have pledged to match your gift, dollar for dollar. Choose to donate to one of the matching funds below and double your donation!

  • CSM Hawks Student Emergency Fund |  | PATRIOT will match dollar for dollar up to $10,000
  • Cox Family Memorial Scholarship | Donor Linda Cox will match up to $5,000 to help currently enrolled CSM students complete their tuition payments for this year.  

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (S.748) Charitable Giving Incentive: Includes an above-the-line deduction (universal or non-itemizer deduction that applies to all taxpayers) for total charitable contributions of up to $300. The incentive applies to contributions made in 2020 and would be claimed on tax forms next year. The bill also lifts the existing cap on annual contributions for those who itemize, raising it from 60 percent of adjusted gross income to 100 percent. For corporations, the bill raises the annual limit from 10 percent to 25 percent.

Analysis of S.748 prepared by the National Council of Nonprofits.

No updates for this campaign.

Donor Affiliations
Suitcase icon11%Board Members
Gradhat icon26%Alumni
Book icon4%Students
Parent icon2%Parents
Suitcase icon55%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon23%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Craig W. Patenaude photo
Craig W. Patenaude
Timothy McCaslin photo
Timothy McCaslin
Sheila P. Levings photo
Sheila P. Levings
Lois DiNatale photo
Lois DiNatale
Shirley Jasper photo
Shirley Jasper
Toni Kruszka photo
Toni Kruszka
Edgard "Gardy" Domenech photo
Edgard "Gardy" Domenech
Ronald Brown photo
Ronald Brown
Shawn B. Coates photo
Shawn B. Coates



Offered a $10,000 match

Linda Sullivan Cox

Offered a $10,000 match

Linda Sullivan Cox

Offered a $5,000 match

Allan Dansie

Offered a $5,000 match

Maureen Murphy

Offered a $2,500 match

Kim Rosenfield

Gave $250 during a Challenge!

Kelly A Robertson-Slagle

Gave $150 during a Challenge!

Toni Maria Zanelotti Kruszka

Generated 6 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $125

Community Advocates

Generated 123 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $75

Dr. Stephanie McCaslin

Generated 82 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $60
View All Advocates