Tom & Kate's Excellent Adventure

245% of $5,000 goal
This campaign ended on April 30, 2019, but you can still make a gift to Capitol Hill Arts Workshop by clicking here!

Tom and Kate are going on an excellent adventure and would love it if you joined them!

Meaningful conversation is largely absent amid the intense division and discord found across the American landscape today and reconciliation seems increasingly distant. Without education, reflection and dialogue this chasm can only intensify.  Artists are uniquely situated to contribute to a much needed civil national discourse by capturing and interpreting the ideals of our fractured nation. 

The 50 States Project is a mobile artist residency in which photographer, Tom Woodruff and visual artist Kate Fleming will travel to each state to explore regional similarities and differences. They will visit arts and community organizations at each stop, engaging with locals about contemporary cultural issues and creating works of art in the field. 

Throughout their travels, they will  serve as a mobile classroom for students at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW), facilitating dialogue on their findings and sharing their work via Skype, a project website, and a blog. Upon returning to DC, the artists will present their research through an exhibition, public programs and an exhibit catalogue which will be shared with the communities they visited.

The project will be funded by CHAW, artist grants, personal savings and community support like yours.   You can be a part of this important work by making a contribution today.   

 As a thank you, you will receive one-of-a-kind gifts created by Tom and Kate. 

  • Contributor $25 - postcard and button
  • Friend $50 -  t-shirt, postcard, and button
  • Backer $150 - two t-shirts, a listing on the “thank you” page of our website, a postcard, and a button
  • Supporter $250 - original print by either Kate or Tom, listing on the “thank you” page of our website, a t-shirt, a postcard and button
  • Patron $500 - two original prints (one by Kate, one by Tom), listing on the “thank you” page of our website, a t-shirt, a postcard and button
  • Sponsor $750 -  two original prints, a signed copy of the exhibition catalogue (delivery at the end of the project), a t-shirt, a postcard, and a button
  • Benefactor $1,000 - an original painting produced on the trip (delivery at the end of the project), your name on all printed and digital project materials, a t-shirt, a postcard, and a button

Kate Fleming

Tom Woodruff

Matches & Challenges

Donation Challenge

$5,000 if $6,000 is donated in the next over 5 years

Challenge Complete!

Offered by Capitol Hill Arts Workshop


Donation Match

$1 per $1 donated up to $50

Match Complete!

Offered by Hannah & Steve Blumenfeld

Receive a postcard and button with our logo.
Donate $25
Receive a hand-printed t-shirt, a postcard, and a button.
Donate $50
Receive two hand-printed t-shirts, a listing on the “thank you” page of our website, a postcard, and a button.
Donate $150
Receive an original print by either Kate or Tom, a listing on the “thank you” page of our website, a t-shirt, a postcard, and a button.
Donate $250
Receive TWO original prints (one by Kate, one by Tom), a listing on the “thank you” page of our website, a t-shirt, a postcard, and a button.
Donate $500
Receive two original prints, a signed copy of the exhibition catalogue (delivery at the end of the project), a listing on the thank you page of our website, a t-shirt, a postcard, and a button.
Donate $750
Receive an original oil painting produced on the trip (delivery at the end of the project), your name on all printed and digital project materials, a t-shirt, a postcard, and a button.
Donate $1,000
Last Day!!

Today is the LAST DAY of our big fundraising campaign! That means today's your last chance to get awesome donor benefits like hand-printed t-shirts and original artwork. Let's end this campaign with a bang so we can hit the road!

2004 days ago by Kate Fleming
Final Two Days!

All right, friends — we’re down to the last two days of our campaign. We’ve absolutely crushed our original goal, but the funds we’ve raised will only cover a small part of our total budget. Every dollar you donate will go directly toward the project costs. Can we make it to 50 donors before midnight on Tuesday? Thanks for believing in us!

2005 days ago by Kate Fleming
$6,000 Stretch Goal -- MET!

We are so blown away by the support we’ve received for this project. This weekend, we met and then SURPASSED our $6,000 stretch goal, unlocking a $5,000 challenge from @chawindc. Our campaign is at 221% with 8 days to go. We couldn’t be more grateful and we can’t wait to send out buttons, hand printed t-shirts, postcards, and original artwork to our beautiful supporters. THANK YOU! 

2005 days ago by Kate Fleming
Most Recent Donors
Tim and Carolyn Fleming photo
Tim and Carolyn Fleming
Richard Levine photo
Richard Levine
Linda Lombardi photo
Linda Lombardi
Jeff Luttrell and Kyle Christiansen photo
Jeff Luttrell and Kyle Christiansen
Kristopher Malone photo
Kristopher Malone
Neil Solomon & Laiha Lui photo
Neil Solomon & Laiha Lui
Liz Moughon photo
Liz Moughon
Linda Jean Spector photo
Linda Jean Spector
Kate Wiles and Dick Woodruff photo
Kate Wiles and Dick Woodruff
Christiane Gauvin-Wiles photo
Christiane Gauvin-Wiles


Capitol Hill Arts Workshop
Kate Fleming photo
generated 91 clicks and 16 gifts, totaling $1,525
Community Advocates photo
generated 14 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $75
Hannah Jacobson Blumenfeld photo
Heart icon matched a total of $50
generated 9 clicks