Make a gift to Financial Aid & Scholarships of $35 or more by Feb. 28, 2021, and we’ll send you a pair of limited-edition Bucknell socks as our way of saying thanks! And, even better … if you make a gift of $70 or more, you can elect to receive two pairs of socks.
Your generosity today is a gift of opportunity. Scholarships and financial aid make a Bucknell education accessible to students of all backgrounds, many of whom could not attend without your financial support. When you give, you help students say “yes!” to Bucknell.
Kindly Note:
- Maximum two pairs of socks per donor. Initiative ends Feb. 28 (or when we run out of socks!)
- Gifts must be made online on this campaign page.
- Gifts must be $35 or more to Financial Aid & Scholarships. Previous gifts do not count.
- Socks will ship mid-to-late March and may take up to 6 weeks.
Give $35, get ONE pair of Bucknell socks!
Give $70, get TWO pairs of Bucknell socks!
No updates for this campaign.
View All DonorsCarolyn C. Wierda
kevin falco
Randall K Schwartz
Dan Picardi
Matthew S Christ
Kathleen O Ashenfelter
Anna W Yunker
Megan Wittmann Graham
Laura Duffy