Ivan Montiel Memorial Scholarship for Climate Action
This scholarship will cover the cost of attendance which includes tuition, fees, books, and transportation. It will be awarded to a Baruch student with an interest in climate change/action every year, in perpetuity, once our goal of $25K is met.
Esta bolsa de becas cubre el coste de asistencia a clase, esto incluye la matricula, libros y transporte. Esta ayuda se entregaria a un estudiante con interes en estudiar el cambio climatico, y se entregaria cada curso, y en perpetuidad si nuestro objectivo de recaudar $25K se cubre.
Ivan Montiel was a Professor of Business Sustainability at Baruch College, and a member of the Loomba Department of Management faculty since 2016.
He investigated how businesses can contribute to solving social and environmental grand challenges such as climate change and public health deficiencies. He was particularly interested in the role of businesses in addressing such challenges in Latin America. He also examined how businesses can contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
He acted as Associate Editor for Business & Society and served on the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of World Business. His research has appeared in Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Business Ethics, Organization & Environment, and Business & Society.
He was extremely well-regarded by the entire Baruch academic community, as well as management scholars around the world, for his outstanding contributions to the field of business and society, specifically corporate ethics & environmental sustainability.
Dr. Montiel will be deeply missed by his students, colleagues, family, and friends in New York, Spain, and around the world.
Ivan Montiel era Catedratico de Sostenibilidad Empresarial en Baruch College, y miembro del Departmento de Organizacion Empresarial (Management) desde 2016.
Ivan investigaba la forma en la que las empresas pueden contribuir a solventar los grandes retos sociales e enviromentales que nos rodean y las deficiencias de la sanidad publica. En particular, Ivan estaba interesado en el papel que las empresas juegan en la solucion de estos retos en Latina America. Tambien examinaba como las empresas pueden contribuir a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas.
Ivan fue Editor Asociado para la revista “Business & Society” y sirvio en el la Junta Editorial de las revistas Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of World Business.
Sus investigaciones aparecieron en importantes revistas, como por ejemplo, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Journal of Business Ethics, Organization & Environment, and Business & Society.
Dr. Montiel era muy respetado por la comunidad academica tanto de Baruch College como de todo su campo. Ivan consiguio contribuir de forma significantiva en el estudio del impacto de la Empresa en la Sociedad, especialmente en los temas de Etica Corporativa y Sostenibilidad,
Sus estudiantes, colegas, familia, y amigos dentro de Baruch y por todo el mundo le echan mucho de menos.
Join us and donate today. Help honor Ivan's legacy by contributing to this scholarship now.
Unete y dona hoy. Ayuda a honrar el legado de Ivan Montiel contribuyendo a esta bolsa de becas.