Happy 30th anniversary to the AUGSBURG CENTRAL HEALTH COMMONS!! Please consider giving to our endowment to support continuing this work for dedicates to come.
Goal: 30 DONORS to give in honor of the last 30 YEARS.
The Augsburg Central Health Commons (ACHC) is a nurse-led drop-in center located in the heart of Minneapolis that serves people who are experiencing homelessness or who are marginally housed. People often come to the Augsburg Central Health Commons (ACHC) seeking things such as socks, underwear, or basic nursing care. Students from Augsburg's various programs and internships make this work happen. The ACHC is a place for students and faculty to engage in mission-driven work focused on building relationships built on mutual benefit and live out being citizens of place. This work would not happen without the dedicated students, staff, and faculty and without your continued support! Thank you for considering giving to the Augsburg Health Commons endowment this year.
THANK YOU SO MUCH, everyone!! We exceeded our goal in this celebratory year where we had donations from over 40 donors! We are so moved by your generosity and support. These funds will allow us to continue this work for years to come, and in the immediate future, we can purchase more supplies to help keep people warm and respond to the needs of those we care for especially as the holidays grow near.
Please reach out if you ever want to connect more or if you want to volunteer. We also love working with groups to organize supply drives or hygiene kit making parties.
To see a more detailed history of our work, please see this link created by Katie Olsen, Administrative Assistant for the PA Department. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to get more updates.
We are so extremely grateful,
Katie Clark DNP, RN
Executive Director of the Augsburg Health Commons and Associate Professor of Nursing

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