We are called into existence to bring the beauty and wonder of God to others. As image-bearers of God, we are co-creators of that which is good and filled with beauty. Broadway Showcase allows our students to express the beauty, wonder, joy and magnificence of God through music, song and dance.
Today is the day! While you check out this new video about this year's Broadway Showcase, please consider a gift. We are so proud of these students for all the hard work they have put into this show. They are so pumped to share their performances with you on March 9 and 10!
2897 days ago by Chris Wybenga
Genesis 1:1 reads, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” When God spoke creation into being, beauty emerged. We see this beauty in nature and in one another and recognize the artistry of our Creator. Throughout scripture, we know that God takes great delight in the creative expressions of humanity. Indeed, we can worship God through song, dance, and performance. The Arts are important because through them, we become co-creators of the beauty God breathed into us.
In Broadway Showcase, our students are given the opportunity to use their creativity and talents to bring laughter, joy, and beauty to the stage. Through these performances, they will use their gifts to honor our Creator. For some students, performing in Broadway Showcase is the highlight of their years at Valley Christian. For others, participating in Broadway Showcase has helped them to find their passion, and they have gone on to pursue music, acting, and musical theatre careers. We are overjoyed to be able to give our students this unique opportunity.
Providing this experience annually is both ambitious and financially challenging. In an effort to maintain the high quality of Broadway Showcase, we need your help. Please consider making a gift to support Broadway Showcase, and allow us to continue offering this unique performance opportunity.
Thank you,
Ron Taylor
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