Thank you for considering supporting the Wyoming Spanish Club!
The Wyoming Spanish Club is an organization where students can practice and improve their Spanish through fun social and educational programs. We tutor students in the club and the community and connect with students who also share a passion for Spanish. We are open to any student with an interest in the Spanish language and the cultures of the people who speak it. It was founded by Marisa Moret in 2015.
As a language club, we strive to immerse our members not only into the Spanish language, but into the culture of Spanish speaking countries. With your generous donations, we will be able to help members experience different cultural performances, guest lectures, and cuisines.
We started out as a small club with few members, but over the years, we have been able to grow. We have hosted movie nights, participated in Dia de los Muertos, and hosted study sessions for our members.
We hope to keep expanding our impact on students here on campus, so we thank you for your kind donations.
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