Transforming Lives and Systems: Social Work as Social Justice

22% of $5,000 goal
This campaign ended on May 16, 2024, but you can still make a gift to University of Denver by clicking here!
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1DAY4DU 2024
1,522 Donors - $1,512,893 Donated

At the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW), we believe in social work’s potential to transform both individual lives and interconnected systems—to achieve our vision of actualized human potential; thriving, sustainable communities; and embodiment of equity across all communities. Our students will leverage your 1DAY4DU gift many times over as they pursue careers of purpose and improve the lives of children, families, and individuals across our community and the world.   

This year GSSW will be featuring four funds during 1DAY4DU:  

The Gather and Grow (Dean’s Discretionary Fund) is an opportunity for you to support our top priorities, allowing us to expand student opportunities, scholarship access and community services. 

When you make your best gift in support of the Graduate School of Social Work Scholarship Fund you help significantly increase educational access and reduce student debt. Training more social workers from diverse backgrounds, while minimizing their student debt, is crucial to meeting the growing needs of our communities. Donations on 1DAY4DU will directly support student stipends, allowing our students to make an impact in a diverse array of community organizations including hospitals, mental health centers, schools, nonprofits and government agencies.  

Through innovative and ethical education and research focused on human-animal interactions and guided by our commitment to social justice and cultural responsiveness, the Institute for Human-Animal Connection (IHAC) elevates the value of the living world and the interrelationship of human, animal, and environmental health and well-being. Funds will provide much-needed financial support to enhance educational opportunities and scholarships.

Equity Labs leverages the best resources of DU, its distinguished faculty, innovative research, and its talented pool of graduate students to create more equitable workplaces in the community. Funds raised from this campaign will go directly toward supporting the salaries and professional development of the GSSW interns who join the Equity Labs team in getting products ready for market.  

No updates for this campaign.

GSSW Gift Funds
GSSW ProgramsDonorsRaised ($)
Graduate School of Social Work Scholarship Fund13$1,075
GSSW Gather and Grow Impact Fund0$0
Equity Labs4$70
Donor Affiliations
Suitcase icon71%Faculty/Staff
Gradhat icon42%Alumni
Friends icon6%Friends
Parent icon6%Parents
Gradhat icon6%Students
Most Recent Donors
Constance Schmalz
Constance Schmalz
Amy Wetherbee Rodgers
Amy Wetherbee Rodgers
Kathleen E Davisson
Kathleen E Davisson
Courtney L Hoskins
Courtney L Hoskins
Chase McNamee
Chase McNamee
Shahira Qudrat
Shahira Qudrat
Jennifer C Greenfield
Jennifer C Greenfield
Alexandra Hyde
Alexandra Hyde



Offered a $150,000 match

Craig and Nicole Harrison

Offered a $100,000 match

Stephanie and Tim Ingrassia

Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!

The Bailey Family

Offered a $25,000 match


Offered a $25,000 match


Offered a $11,667 match

Ingram Content Group

Offered a $10,000 match

Anonymous DU Law ‘99

Offered a $10,000 match

Mike McKesson

Offered a $7,500 match

Dave (MBA, ’06) and Nicole Cable

Offered a $6,000 match
View All Advocates