Taggart Elementary's Performing Arts Stage Modernization!

0% of $18,500 goal
This campaign ended on July 30, 2024, but you can still make a gift to The Fund for the School District of Philadelphia by clicking here!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to John H. Taggart School's Stage modernization campaign!

In order to provide high-quality and diverse performances from our students for the community, we are campaigning to modernize our stage curtains. 

Currently, we are missing a backstage curtain, and our front stage curtains are visibly damaged. We have partnered with a district-approved vendor to create a quote for new curtains. With these curtains, our students will be able to put on a variety of performances with diverse settings that will improve community events.

Thank you for all of your support!

*If we do not meet our fundraising goal, we will use these funds to support this or another vital need at our school!

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