1 Day for the Knights 2023 - 01.27.23

141% of $125,000 goal
This campaign ended on January 30, 2023, but you can still make a gift to St. Francis de Sales HS Foundation by clicking here!

Join us on January 27, 2023 for our fourth annual 1 Day for the Knights.  One Day is our version of #GivingTuesday commemorating St. Francis de Sales feast day.  This year we are asking each class to raise their year. (ex: $1992).  

Last year we raised over $222,000 (new record) and had over 690 (new record) donors.  We also saw someone from every class from 1958-2022 to help our current and future Knights.  The Class of 1990 won the Sue Conrad Certificate of Excellence for the most participants and the Class of 1975 won the Dick Mattingly "Ratch Cup" for the class that raised the most.  

We are asking for your help this year by:

  1. Making your gift today to 1 Day for the Knights
  2. Spreading the word through social media via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 
  3. Contact your fellow Knights directly and ask them to help

Please help us achieve our philanthropic goals.. Your gift will help provide a transformative experience for many young men as they develop leadership skills,while receiving an education in the spirit of our Patron Saint, St. Francis de Sales. 

St. Francis de Sales…Pray for us.

1 Day for the Knights 2023 - Final Results

Thank You to everyone who helped raise $171,811 for 1 Day for the Knights!  Brandon Focht '10 was our last donor who put us at 690 donors for the campaign and we received the last $10,000 match from Designetics.

This year we saw new classes in the way of '94 '96 & Fr. O's '62 break records.  No graduating class had less than 3 participants involved in 1 Day which is a new record for us.

You helped our Knights and we appreciate the assist!

741 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Final Results - Ratch Cup & Conrad Certifcate of Excellence

We appreciate the work the Class Captains did to make this race as tight as it was.  Thank You once again to Designetics for providing $50,000 of matches for 1 Day 2023.

The system has been updated and we went in to make sure everyone was put in the proper class.  The results are in and for the first time in 1 Day history we have a sweep of the awards.  Congratulations to the Class of 1975 for repeating as Ratch Cup Champions (class with most funds raised) & winning the Sue Conrad Certificate of Excellence (most participants).  Thank You to Jeff Peer '75 for leading the charge and Patrick Brennan '75 for being his co-pilot on this ride.  You may jeans the rest of the week at work.  

Conrad (Participants) Top 5

1975 - 42

1983 - 36

1973 - 30

1990 - 28

1994 - 25

The Ratch Cup Top 5

1975 - $12,900

1994 - 11,588

1972 - 7,150

1968 - 6,375

1990 - $4,500

Big showing for '94 & '90 with Top 5 finishes for both categories.  

Thank You to everyone who helped make 1 Day for the Knights 2023 a huge success.  In the 4 years we have raised over $550,000 to help current and future Knights.

St. Francis de Sales...Pray for us!

741 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Heading down the stretch!!! - 39 to go!

We need just 39 more donors to hit the final - $10,000 match.  It is coming down to the wire this year!

The Conrad is a tight race.  The Class of 1975 finally overtakes the Class of 1983 which led most of this event and is in the Top 5 for the Cup.  Last years Champs 1990 & 1973 are just 6 off the pace.  The new upstart Class of 1994 is in the Top 5 just 11 off the pace.

New Champs on the horizon?  The Class of 1994 is over $11,000!  The 3x champs, the Class of 1975, are not far behind.  Coming in at $8,100.  The class of 1972 is just below at $7,100 (someone needs to throw in $100 to make that $7,200). The Class of 1968 is 4th and the Class of 1983 is 5th.

Thank you to everyone that has helped us get here.  Hopefully we get that last 39 donors and get an extra $1,000 to take us over $150,000.

It ends tomorrow at 9 AM.  Winners will be announced on Tuesday around Noon!

743 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
4 PM Update - Just 62 to go till Match #5 & $10,000

1 Day continues this weekend & the numbers continue to #Riseup

The Ratch Cup Champs '75 have moved into 2nd place but '94 is still on top w over $10k!

The Conrad is a 4 Team hunt with '83 out front but '75, '90 & '73 are on the move.

We are just 62 donors away from Match #5 & just over $3,000 away from $150,000.

Tell a fellow Knight...

744 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Match #4 - Pass the $125,000 goal

The first year we passed our goal it was right before tip-off at the a SFS Basketball game in the Pit.  This year we hit the goal at 6 PM. 

We have unlocked the #4 $10,000 match which means there is just a single $10,000 remaining.

Match #5 beat last years mark of 690 participants = $10,000.

We just passed the 575 number and so that means we have the weekend to get that final piece of the puzzle.

Thank you Knight Family! 

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Scoreboard...Scoreboard...Scoreboard! - 4 PM update

As we go just over $120,000 and near 550 donors we enter into the twilight hour.  So many classes have already already achieved new personal records.  Less than $5,000 to unlock the 4th (but not final) $10,000 match.  The Ratch Cup is up for grabs and Mrs. Conrad is looking at the scoreboard with me to see who gets the Certificate of Excellence.  Let's go to the scoreboard:

Ratch Cup:

The Class of 1994 is out to early lead and has $10,000!

1972 are still celebrating their 50th Reunion with almost $7,000

The Class of 1968 is celebrating their 55 reunion this year by raising over $5,500

The Class of 1983 is in the top 5 for both awards 

1979 is a new kid on the block also going over $3,500

My Class of 1992 is 6th currently raising over $3,000 as we are still celebrating our 30th reunion


The Class of 1983 has a big lead this year with 30 people

Class of 1990 looking to repeat has 24

The Ratch Cup Champs Class of 1975 are in third with 23

The 50th reunion Knights, Class of 1973 have 22

2 new classes are O's Class of 1962 & an upstart Class of 1996 both have new records of 17

The event goes through the weekend and ends Monday at 9 am sharp.  If you sent in a check, drop me an email and I can get the amount in and get your class numbers up.

Go Knights!

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Match #4 - Go over $125,000 - Just $8k to go

Classes have stepped up!  We see you '94, '96, '13 & '62.  There are a number of classes that have already shattered their score from last year.  We need just over $8k to get that 4th match from Designetics.  We are also over 500 donors and climbing.  Can we get to 700 to top last years number? Plenty of time left!

Scoreboard update around 4ish.


745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Match #3 - 2 or more gathered in my name Challenge - Completed!

Thank You to Lance Bockbrader '17 for issuing a challenge to the Class of 2017 and unlocking Match #3.  We now have every graduating class from the forever first 1958 to the most current 2022 with at least "2 or more gathered".

Thank You Designetics for Match #3 - $10,000 added.  That will put us over $100,000 for 1 Day.  Match #4 is less than $25,000 away!

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Time to play the Feud! Students vs. Oblates Round 2!

Join  our host Nate Smith '23 as the Students take on the Oblates in the Family Feud.

We would like to thank our team of Seniors: Scotty Buff, Reche' Dixon, Hansen Lee, Travis Kenner and Frank Schuster.  Scotty & Reche' return to go against the Oblates one last time.

We appreciate all that the Oblates do for us here at St. Francis and making these videos for 1 Day.  Thank You Frose, O, Joe, Z & Rudi!

Get ready its time to play the Feud...

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Match #3 - 2 or more gathered in my name Challenge

Class of 2017:

Just going to leave this here...

Designetics Match #3 - 2 or more gathered in my name challenge - Get 2 or classmates from every graduating class and unlock $10,000 match for 1 Day



745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Match #2 Unlocked! - Alexa play "Living on a Prayer"

"We're half way there..." Admit it...you sang it. 

Designetics will add an additional $10,000 for getting 350 donors.  Let's keep going!

Match #3 - we have picked up a few classes but need a few more.  We will update the remaining matches right before we play the Feud!

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
First Match from Designetics Unlocked !!!! $10,000 - Thank You Knight Family

Match #1 - First $10,000 matched after Fr. O Video.  Looks like we have another one right around the corner!!!

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Welcome Back to 1 Day for the Knights

Welcome back to 1 Day!

We have multiple challenges in our grasp this morning!  

31 donors to meet Match #2= $10,000

$1,300 more to meet Match #1 = $10,000

10 classes need 1 more = $10,000

Class of 22, 21, 20, 15, 06, 89, 81, 72 & 69 need just one more Knight

Class of 2017 we need 2 of you to help!




Family Feud at Noon!!!!

745 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
4 PM Update - Challenges

These numbers so far are amazing.  1990, 1975, 1975 & 1983 are all up top with Fr. O's Class of 1962 putting up record numbers for the Conrad.  There are 2 upstarts this year in the Class of 1996 and 2013 joining the Top 10.  Let's keep going and get some of the our classmates to join the 1 Day party.  Almost all the classes are accounted for with just 1963, 2017 & 2020 not yet dipping their toes in that pool.  The Class of 1968, 1979 and 1972 are leading the pack for money raised.  1990 wants to trade that Certificate in for a Cup.  I am told the Class of 1975 is keeping a watchful eye on the Scoreboard.  

We are well on our way to winning our first match.  When we hit $50,000 Designetics adds $10,000 to the total and there are more matches on the way.

Match #2 - Halfway there challenge - when we hit 350 donors we get an additional $10,000

Match #3 - 2 or more gathered in my name challenge - Each Class has 2 or more participants from 1958-2022 we get an additional $10,000

Match #4 - Surpass the $125,000 initial goal challenge - Additional $10,000

Match #5 - Challenge to be named tomorrow  - Additional $10,000

Lets go BIg Red...lets go!


746 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
An interview with Fr. O

Tim Gerken '76, Fr. Joe Newman '03 & I had the privilege of sitting down with Fr. Ron Olszewski '62 (aka to our Knight Family as Fr. O).  Fr. O talks about how he got his calling to become a priest, his time here at SFS (ask him about his "F" on his report card), some stories as President and how he has grown the Foundation to help current and future Knights.  Fr. O is the "face of the franchise" and we appreciate everything that he has done to help our school become a tradition of excellence. 

Thank You for tuning into 1 Day for the Knights!

746 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza

Designetics will be matching the first $10,000 to 1 Day for the Knights after the Fr. O interview is posted at Noon today!  

Let's see what we can do with that!


746 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Designetics is back!

Sydney Spraw and her team at Designetics is back as a sponsor for 1 Day for the Knights.  

Stay tuned for how you can help to unlock their matching donations this year!



749 days ago by Daniel J Zawisza
Donor Map
Class vs. Class
ClassDonorsRaised ($)
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon90%Alumni
Book icon3%Students
Parent icon8%Parents
Suitcase icon4%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon3%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Greg Bruce photo
Greg Bruce
Tom McDuffee photo
Tom McDuffee
Brian Bates photo
Brian Bates
Luke Henry photo
Luke Henry
Patrick Gallagher photo
Patrick Gallagher
Kevin P Brooks photo
Kevin P Brooks
An Anonymous Donor
Rick Hamilton photo
Rick Hamilton
Paul Eisinger photo
Paul Eisinger
Larry C Gagin photo
Larry C Gagin
View All Donors


Community Advocates

Generated 366 clicks and 38 gifts, totaling $3,784

Patrick Brennan

Generated 6 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $3,700

Lance Bockbrader

Generated 29 clicks
Offered a $2,017 match

Kevin M. Tennant

Gave $1,000 during a Challenge!

Tim Scott

Generated 31 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $25
Gave $250 during a Challenge!

Philip Sanford

Offered a $250 match

Jeremy Hartle

Generated 16 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $250

Luke Bockbrader

Offered a $150 match

Joe Pasquinelli, Sr.

Generated 15 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $150


Offered a $100 match
View All Advocates