Gifts to SU Emergency Fund contribute to...
In 2017, Southwestern created the SU Emergency Fund to help students with financial needs. Through the SU Emergency Fund, Southwestern students can obtain emergency help for unexpected expenses, such as food, housing, medical care, technology, travel, and other unexpected or unforeseen needs.
The SU Emergency Fund is a great resource for students who are in need of unexpected financial assistance. By making a gift to the SU Emergency Fund, you are providing students with the necessary resources to continue to flourish and Thrive at Southwestern.
Southwestern Vinyl Decal
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Pirate Athletics Logo Garden Flag
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Cullen Totebag
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President Trombley, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Visitors
Offered a $180,000 match
Class of 1964 Alumnus
Offered a $150,000 match
Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!
Offered a $30,000 match
Gave $20,000 during a Challenge!
Gave $15,000 during a Challenge!
JC Bunch
Generated 317 clicks and 37 gifts, totaling $14,050
Gave $500 during a Challenge!
Jeanine & Nick Piskurich, Board of Visitors & parents of a young alum
Offered a $10,000 match
Parent Leadership Council
Offered a $9,350 match
Offered a $5,300 match