Distinctive Collections and Archives

120% of $2,000 goal
This campaign ended on March 07, 2024, but you can still make a gift to Southwestern University by clicking here!
Gifts to Distinctive Collections and Archives contribute to...
Southwestern Giving Day 2024
1,221 Donors - $793,107 Donated

Our Distinctive Collections is housed on the second floor of The A. Frank Smith, Jr. Library, and students, faculty, staff, alumni and the general public are encouraged to visit and utilize the resources. Although the materials may not be checked out, they are available for research and learning opportunities. We have a museum-like collection, but unlike a traditional museum we encourage users to engage with our materials. You can hold a rare book, read a historic manuscript or examine a piece of Texas history.

In Distinctive Collections at Southwestern University, we create physical and virtual spaces to experience the history of Southwestern University and Texas as well as the heritage of the printed and written word. We aim to use these spaces and our collections to create meaningful experiences for anyone, regardless of purpose.

By making a gift to Distinctive Collections, you are allowing our collection to continue t ogrow and Thrive. 

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Donor Affiliations
Friends icon27%Friends
Gradhat icon16%Alumni
Suitcase icon16%Faculty/Staff
Parent icon16%Parents
Book icon16%Students
Gradhat icon11%Greek
Most Recent Donors
Buchele, Suzanne F & Steven
Buchele, Suzanne F & Steven
Catherine Yow
Catherine Yow
Sara Shamaly
Sara Shamaly
leigh sander & Christy Perry
leigh sander & Christy Perry
Katherine Hooker
Katherine Hooker
Ben Oliver
Ben Oliver
Mary Fox Fields
Mary Fox Fields


President Trombley, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Visitors

Offered a $180,000 match

Class of 1964 Alumnus

Offered a $150,000 match


Gave $100,000 during a Challenge!


Offered a $30,000 match


Gave $20,000 during a Challenge!


Gave $15,000 during a Challenge!

JC Bunch

Generated 317 clicks and 37 gifts, totaling $14,050
Gave $500 during a Challenge!

Jeanine & Nick Piskurich, Board of Visitors & parents of a young alum

Offered a $10,000 match

Parent Leadership Council

Offered a $9,350 match


Offered a $5,300 match
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