Making Latine/x History at SFSU 2023

128% of 50 Donor goal
This campaign ended on September 23, 2023, but you can still make a gift to San Francisco State University by clicking here!

Happy Latina/o/x History Month from San Francisco State University! Over 50 years ago on this campus, 1968 strikers stood up to Eurocentric education policies and demanded classes and programs relevant to their lived experiences and histories.

This strike, led by the Black Student Union and the Third World Liberation Front student coalition, was the longest student strike in U.S. history, and paved the way for the formation of the Latina/Latino Studies Department (initially, La Raza Studies Department) at San Francisco State University — the first department of its kind on any four-year college campus.

Our graduates are socially conscious, critically astute, community-minded and civically engaged. They possess the skills to create positive change wherever they go. Our alumni contribute to the development of our communities, shape public policy and serve local communities in ways that make a real difference. They are role models for the youth in our communities who are on the brink of making life-defining decisions.

Please join us in supporting students majoring and minoring in Latina/o Studies by making a donation to our new Latina/o Studies Scholarship Fund during our Making Latine/x History at SFSU fundraising campaign. From now until midnight on Friday, September 22, you can make a gift of ANY amount to Latina/o Studies Scholarship Fund. 

Every dollar of your gift goes towards students pursuing their degrees:

  • $50 can help students with purchasing instructional technology 
  • $100 can enable students to attend and present at local conferences
  • $250 can support stipends for students working on community-engaged research

Thank you in advance for investing in our students and future change agents.

2023 Latinx Heritage Month SFSU Activities

Join us for activities and events as we celebrate Latine/x Heritage Month!

512 days ago by Mike Sullivant
Donor Map
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Gradhat icon69%Alumni
Parent icon2%Parents
Friends icon2%Friends
Suitcase icon24%Faculty/Staff
Most Recent Donors
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Leroy Arciniega
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Nicole Lange
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Victoer Diaz & Ariel Diaz
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Nathaniel Carbajal & Debanhi Escobar
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Jennifer Valencia
Antonio Espinosa photo
Antonio Espinosa
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William Allen
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Katie Lynch
Cynthia Cevallos photo
Cynthia Cevallos
Lori Beth Way photo
Lori Beth Way
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