Join us for Rollins Giving Day by making your gift, challenging your friends, & sharing on social!
When 500 members of the Rollins family make a gift on Feb. 19, $50,000 will be unlocked for The Rollins Annual Fund, providing essential support for everything from financial aid and scholarships to academic and athletic excellence. And if 100 donors give to Crummer, an extra $10,000 will go to The Crummer Annual Fund.
Together, we can show the world the difference a day makes.
Special thanks to the Rollins Alumni Association Board of Directors, and Trustee Eric Spiegel and his wife, Doreen, for providing the Rollins Giving Day challenges!

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Development at (407) 646-2221 or giving@rollins.edu.
We cannot THANK YOU enough for helping pave the way for our students.
You helped exceed all our challenges, unlocking a total of $85,000 extra donations. Giving Day's 805 donors raised more than $185,000!
You truly showed the world the difference one day can make!

Today we asked the question – how much of a difference can you make in a single day? The Rollins community answered our question and proved the difference one day can make.
Our second challenge was met, and we're now at 700+ donors. If you haven’t joined in yet, there is still time!
Thank you for being a part of this exciting day.

The class of 1969 was up to the challenge! Your gifts unlocked an additional $15,000 for Rollins. What a great way to honor your 50th reunion!
2180 days ago by Kelsey UhlMister Rogers’ Neighborhood debuted on February 19, 1968, making Rollins Giving Day 2019 the 51st anniversary of everyone’s favorite alum.

500 Rollins community members gave and unlocked a $50,000 donation! THANK YOU to those who helped us get this far.
Carroll Goggin '85 P'15 is inspired by you, and she's offering an additional $10,000 donation if we can get another 200 passionate community members to give.
If you haven't joined yet, there's still time!

Tune in to rollins.edu/givingdaylive for a conversation about giving back to Rollins with President Grant Cornwell, alumna Chelsea Swearingen '12, and current student Caroline Rosendahl ’19 hosted by Director of Student Media and alumni board member Greg Golden ’11 ’16MBA.
The Crummer community is exceeding expectations! We already hit the challenge of 100 donors. Thank you to Trustee Eric Spiegel and his wife Doreen for providing the $10,000 Crummer challenge funding.

Join us in saying THANK YOU to the generosity of the Rollins Alumni Association Board of Directors for providing the Rollins Giving Day challenge funding of $50,000 if we reach 500 donors. We can do this!

How much of a difference can you make in a single day? Today, you have the opportunity to make a difference that lasts far longer than 24 hours. There are countless examples of how your participation in Giving Day will make a difference in the lives of our students and in the communities that our students touch in our backyard and around the world. These are 19 of our favorites.

Here’s how our Giving Day challenge works:
When 500 members of the Rollins family make a gift today, $50,000 will be unlocked for The Rollins Annual Fund, providing essential support for everything from financial aid and scholarships to academic and athletic excellence. And if 100 donors give to Crummer, an extra $10,000 will go to The Crummer Annual Fund.
2180 days ago by Kelsey UhlCarroll Goggin is participating in Giving Day because it is a smart way to maximize our collective impact!
2180 days ago by Kelsey UhlGood morning, Rollins family! The clock starts now. We have 24 hours to maximize our impact. Join us on social all day at Rollins College and Rollins Alumni using #RollinsGives. From 4-5 PM, tune in to WPRK’s Giving Day Live at rollins.edu/givingdaylive.
Cy Grandy, David Lord, and Jack Myers have a Giving Day challenge for the Class of 1969:
For every donor from the Class of 1969 to The Rollins Annual Fund on or before Feb. 19, we will provide an additional gift of $1,000 up to $15,000.
In honor of our 50th reunion, let's maximize our impact on Giving Day. Remember - participation is the key. Every gift qualifies regardless of the size!
2184 days ago by Kelsey UhlDonors
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