One Week. One Pitzer. 2021

100% of 400 Donor goal
This campaign ended on April 12, 2021, but you can still make a gift to Pitzer College by clicking here!

Though we remain virtual, the Pitzer community has maintained a strong sense of unity and connection. In fact, we have expanded our digital presence through the Pitzer@Home program, offering virtual lectures, workshops, and tutorials featuring experts from our Pitzer community! On top of that, we held our first online-only Family Weekend, created the Alumni & Family Book Club, and are launching PitzerConnect, a digital platform for building mentor-focused connections among students and alumni. We have also celebrated our core values by establishing the College’s Inside-Out Pathway-to-BA program, the Racial Justice Initiative, and the Office of Advancement and Communications’ True Equity conversation series.

Through these and other endeavors, we have sought to create a Pitzer that is enriching and accessible for all. Whether you are a current student, a parent, or an alumna from the pioneering class of 1968, we hope you have had the opportunity to connect with us and other members of the Pitzer community during the past year.

Now, we wish to bring together our global community as we kick off our annual, award-winning week of philanthropy and giving, One Week. One Pitzer. Starting on April 5, be on the lookout for special messages from members of the Pitzer community. This year, we are emphasizing “One Pitzer” as we acknowledge the strain of time spent apart and celebrate all the Pitzer relationships we have maintained and created during these difficult days. The number "one" can mean solitary, and a lot of this year has been spent in separation. "One" is also a symbol of unity. We have learned together, grieved together, and rallied together. We look forward to reconvening on campus soon, but for now, remember that we are always, One Pitzer. 

To support our continuous efforts to create meaningful engagement with Pitzer College, please make a gift today!

Provida Futuri

We did it!

We just reached our 200-donor goal and unlocked an extra $50K for Pitzer. But wait… there’s more! If we secure 200 additional donors, for a total of 400 donors, by midnight on Sunday, the Board of Trustees will give another $50K, for a total of $100K. Will you be one of the 200 donors we need to meet this new challenge? Give today to help us meet the challenge!

1399 days ago by Elijah Pantoja
Describe your Pitzer experience in one word!

At the beginning of One Week. One Pitzer., we asked community members to describe their Pitzer experience in one word. Watch some of their answers above!

If you haven't yet made a gift, do so now to help us meet our Board of Trustees challenge.

If 200 people make a gift to Pitzer during One Week. One Pitzer., the Board will give an additional $50,000 to Pitzer College.

If we surpass 200 donors and reach 400 donors, the Board will give an additional $50,000, for a total of $100,000!  

Make an impact on future generations of Pitzer changemakers by making a gift today!

1401 days ago by Elijah Pantoja
Donor Map
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon49%Alumni
Book icon1%Students
Parent icon31%Parents
Suitcase icon19%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon3%Friends
Most Recent Donors
An Anonymous Donor
Carlos Alvarez photo
Carlos Alvarez
Jenessa Flores Parker photo
Jenessa Flores Parker
Amanda Leitner photo
Amanda Leitner
An Anonymous Donor
An Anonymous Donor
lily lousada photo
lily lousada
Emily Smith-Harrington photo
Emily Smith-Harrington
Aludiya Ganzon photo
Aludiya Ganzon
View All Donors


Pitzer College Board of Trustees

Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!

Pitzer College Board of Trustees

Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!

Community Advocates

Generated 14 clicks and 29 gifts, totaling $1,366

Tim Berg

Generated 58 clicks
Offered a $400 match

Scott Phillips

Offered a $150 match

PATRICE Langevin

Offered a $150 match


Offered a $50 match

Carlos Perrett

Generated 2 clicks
Offered a $15 match

Josue Pasillas

Generated 7 clicks