It's Penland Giving Day!
We want you... to share with us today!
Goal: Stories Shared!
Goal: 400 gifts of any amount!
Penland Giving Day happens just once a year! We hope you will take the opportunity to SHARE YOUR STORIES about how this special place has touched your life today on social media. Tell us about what you made, who you met, and what Penland means to you!
Make a gift today and help us reach our Giving Day goal of 400 donors in 24 hours. A gift of any size gets us one step closer!
Did you know? Penland School of Craft is a nonprofit organization. Since 1929, we have been helping people live creative lives. Penland belongs to all of us. Small gifts keep the lights on, keep the craft education going, and help fund our extensive scholarship programs. Together, #WeMakePenland.
Update: At 11:07 we hit our goal of 400 gifts for the day! This means we have unlocked the $5,000 challenge gift. The campaign is open for a few more hours--because people out West aren't going to bed yet. Thank you all so much!
Update: This evening a generous donor contacted us with a special challenge donation. If we hit our goal of 400 gifts, we will receive an additional $5,000

OUR CUP IS FULL. Thank you so much for helping us reach our goal, and for sharing your stories online. It was such a beautiful day of community and fellowship, learning about the many ways that Penland has touched your lives.
We had so much fun printing out your stories and hanging them here on campus for all to enjoy!
We unlocked the $5,000 challenge grant too, bringing our total raised to $34,215.
It has never been clearer... #WeMakePenland.

Update: At 11:07 we hit our goal of 400 gifts for the day! This means we have unlocked the $5,000 challenge gift. The campaign is open for a few more hours--because people out West aren't going to bed yet. Thank you all so much!
Update: This evening a generous donor contacted us with a special challenge donation. If we hit our goal of 400 gifts, we will receive an additional $5,000.
852 days ago by Penland Digital Media

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