Hi, I'm Emily, and I'm currently a senior at Olivet studying civil and architectural engineering! I'm involved all over campus in musical groups such as steel drum, choir, and marching band, and I am a TA for the engineering department. These past few years, I have felt a strong calling from God to use the technical skills I am learning at Olivet to further His Kingdom. Last summer, I got an amazing opportunity to do just that, and I saw God do amazing things in places I had never been before. It's a great desire of my heart to continue going places for the extension of the Gospel.
This summer, I have been given the opportunity to so again in Papua New Guinea. This trip is a combined trip for medical and environmental science students, and as a civil engineering major, I will be completing work on the environmental side of things, working on a water project that will assist some of the mission stations.
I ask that you come alongside me for this amazing journey, whether that be through financial support or prayer! I know I can't complete this journey alone, and even though God will be with me every step of the way, I also know that the community around me will be how He supports me. If God leads you to financially support me, I cannot thank you enough! And even if he doesn't, I know that prayer is incredibly powerful, and its reach cannot be measured though any numerical value. Thank you so much for being willing to step alongside me for this wonderful experience.
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