My name is Kenny Gerdes and I am a Freshman at Olivet Nazarene University. I am majoring in Ministerial Missions because I have a call on my life from God to full time ministry. I have only been at Olivet for one semester but I have already learned so much! One area I have grow a lot in this semester is my prayer life. I started focusing on surrendering to God's will daily through prayer and asking Him to use me however he sees fit. In prayer and discussion with other believes I have been draw to go on a mission trip. As I continued to pray for discernment my spirit was drawn towards the mission trip to Honduras.
This mission trip is to the Garden of Love and Hope Orphanage. This ministry is living out "pure and faultless" religion, as shown in James 1:27 by looking after orphans. They even do this in a unique way though VBS style camps, music ministry, art ministry, sports ministry, and so much more! I will get the chance to help support the orphanage's physical needs, share the gospel, and show these kids the love of God through the overflow of His love in my life.
While this is an exciting opportunity, I also need help raising the funds necessary to go and minister. I also would love and greatly appreciate your prayers as I take this step of faith. If you are willing and able to give please donate here. I thank you so much for helping me any way you can. I am looking forward to seeing what incredible things God will do on this mission trip!
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