My name is Molly Powers. I'm a political science and communications major finishing my senior year at Olivet. I've loved every part of my education so far, but I think the opportunity to go share the love of Jesus with the world is the most exciting one yet. I've never been on a mission's trip before, but I could feel God pushing me to go, despite the business of the season I'm in. I'll be getting to go to the Dominican Republic; a little island in the Caribbean Sea and full of people who need to know about Jesus! My team will be working with kids, doing construction work, and even helping at a health clinic for those locally that are looking for medical help.
Of course, this is a huge adventure for me. Any assistance in raising funds for this trip would be incredibly appreciated, but if you're not able to donate money, your prayers would mean just as much (if not more). Thank you for all of your support, I can't wait to see the hand of God moving in this place :)