Karey Mendiola

107% of $1,200 goal
Challenge Gift! 23 days left!
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This campaign ends on March 3 at 01:00PM EST

Hi, I'm Karey, a junior at Olivet Nazarene University! I'm currently studying Social Work and am involved in co-leading a student ministry and mentoring students here on campus. Olivet has been a home and the place that has allowed me to grow so much over the last three years to the person I am today. For that, I am so blessed by my experiences, strong friendships, education, and new opportunities here at ONU. This coming Spring, the Shalom Project is organizing various ministry trips both in the country and internationally. If you do not know, going on a ministry trip and serving in various ministries has been a dream and passion of mine since I was a little girl in Guam, but had very few opportunties to be involved in that way growing up. 

When I first heard that Olivet offered impactful experiences like these to students, I knew I was right where I was meant to be. Through careful thought, prayer, and discernment, I followed what I believed God was calling me to and went ahead with the application process.

Now, I have the AMAZING opportunity to travel to Cactus, Texas to support and learn from the community there! The organization we will be working with, the Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center, is a ministry that serves over 20 nationalities/ethnicities who are primarily immigrants and refugees from around the world. They provide ESL classes, legal assistance, health clinics, after-school programming, sports ministries, community gardens, citizenship classes, and more. Our team will work at CNMC, helping in these ministries, while learning about refugee communities and the struggles involved in moving to the US. While this is a huge and exciting adventure, I will need help raising the funds to embark on it! 

Thank you for your support and prayers as I commit to raising these funds. If you are willing, please donate here! And thank you, once again, for all your support! I can’t wait to see how God works through this experience.

Donor Affiliations
Friends icon110%Friends
Book icon28%Students
Most Recent Donors
Karey Mendiola
Karey Mendiola
Sophia Hahn
Sophia Hahn
Vivian Hudson-escatel
Vivian Hudson-escatel
Barb Frahm
Barb Frahm
Jasmin Blas
Jasmin Blas