Hi! I'm Cole Tueck, a Senior at Olivet studying Political Science. I have been blessed to be going on my third and final mission trip with the Shalom project.
This spring, I will be going to Cactus, Texas which is an hour north of Amarillo to serve at the Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center. They serve 20+ nationalities/ethnicities who are primarily immigrants and refugees from around the world. The ministry center provides ESL classes, legal assistance, health clinics, after-school programming, sports ministries, community gardens, citizenship classes, and more.
CNMC offers the message of hope of Christ and empower people to live successful lives and be leaders. Our team will come along side CNMC, helping them in their various ministries. Cactus is a unique community, and I will be able to learn about refugee communities and the immigration process for moving to the US. This journey is a thrilling and significant adventure, and I’ll need some help to make it happen!
Thank you for your support and prayers as I work toward raising the necessary funds. If you feel led, please consider donating here. I’m incredibly grateful for your support, and I’m excited to see how God will work through this experience!