Notre Dame Call to Action

59% of $50,000 goal
This campaign ended on May 27, 2020, but you can still make a gift to Notre Dame High School (NJ) by clicking here!

As we approach the end of the 2019/20 school year, and my first year as President, I continue to be inspired by the collective resiliency and compassion of our students, faculty and staff, parents, alumni and friends of Notre Dame. Particularly during this very difficult time, I am reminded that we are first and foremost a family that supports each other and while I recognize this is a challenging time, I have heard from alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends who want to help support ND.

Today I am announcing our final Call to Action of the school year and in support of our annual appeal, The Fund for Notre Dame. For the next 5 days, and until May 26, we are asking our community to rally around the two specific areas of funding we believe are critical to our success as we close the school year.They are as follows:

                              The Jean McGraw Emergency Tuition Assistance Fund

                                                 This fund was established and named to honor retired faculty member Jean McGraw.

                         Funds will support families who have experienced a sudden financial hardship

                                                               Academic Technology

                          Funds will support and further develop alternate teaching and learning platforms.

The Notre Dame community has a rich history of rising to meet challenges. Today, we ask you to help sustain our wonderful school with a gift to the Fund for Notre Dame. Our mission to educate, inspire and shape growing minds remains unchanged, and your support helps ensure that our students continue to benefit from a Notre Dame education that equips them to lead, contribute to their communities, and to make a difference in our world. 

COVID-19 has impacted our community in unprecedented ways; our thoughts are with each and every one of you. Please be assured of our prayers, and we ask that you keep the Notre Dame community in your prayers as well. 


Ken Jennings



Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon34%Alumni
Book icon4%Students
Parent icon43%Parents
Suitcase icon17%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon3%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Molly Ehret photo
Molly Ehret
Karen Colter photo
Karen Colter
Brenda Riley, Karen Henkel photo
Brenda Riley, Karen Henkel
Joseph Abbondandolo photo
Joseph Abbondandolo
Susan Anne Magosin photo
Susan Anne Magosin
Joseph J. Pecora III photo
Joseph J. Pecora III
Janet C Hughes photo
Janet C Hughes
Colleen Herbert photo
Colleen Herbert
Mark Laccetti photo
Mark Laccetti
Darin Artman photo
Darin Artman


Community Advocates photo
generated 104 clicks and 4 gifts, totaling $500
Elena Caccavale photo
generated 4 clicks