For over 120 years, St. Thomas the Apostle School has served the greater Oroville community by forming young people ready to lead and serve. As a private school, tuition and fundraising support the core of our operations. Each year, school leadership sends out letters as a fundraising measure asking our community to support our school ministry, and our community responds with great grace and generosity. This year, we are expanding our efforts to include our students in the process.
Before we send out our traditional Blessed are the Children letters, students are writing letters like the one included with this letter, as well as making phone calls, and learning to use social media in a positive way in support of their school ministry. This activity, called Students 4 Students, is just another layer of ensuring a vibrant, authentic curriculum. In appreciation of the sacrifices our families and our greater community have made to ensure the best education possible, our students are actively engaging in the funding of their school through their leadership in this Students 4 Students campaign.
We greatly appreciate you considering this student in their efforts to serve their school and community. Only together, can we ensure an education that builds character, expectations for excellence, and a capacity to lead in our ever-challenging world. May our Lord bless you and your family.
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