Support An UPDATED LOOK for The PRIDE Band

69% of $150,000 goal
This campaign ended on December 14, 2017, but you can still make a gift to Missouri State University by clicking here!

We need your help! If you were a member of the PRIDE Band, special friend of the Band, or just enjoy marching band – please consider helping by making a gift or advocating for the campaign!

The PRIDE Band uniform is a source of honor for the students as they represent Missouri State at BEARS home games, national and international parades, and exhibition performances at regional and national marching contests.  A visual image of our University that has been seen from coast to coast and across the seas, the maroon and white uniforms with gold accents have been an impressive tradition seen by millions for many years.

Our current PRIDE Band uniforms are 12 years old, and it is now time for these to be replaced and updated. Normal use of a uniform is 8 years and the current uniforms are showing their age. Generous donors helped fund new uniforms in the past; we are asking for your help in raising funds for the new PRIDE Band uniforms.   

One new full uniform will cost close to $500, and with 300 PRIDE Band members, that is a total cost of $150,000.  We need ALL of our present and past PRIDE Band members and special friends of the band to help us by making a gift of any amount and supporting this project as an advocate by sharing on social media. Together we can reach our goal! Giving is easy, secure and a tax-deductible contribution!

Thank you, and GO BEARS! 


If you have any questions regarding this project or incentives, please contact

*In addition,  MSU alumni that make a qualifying gift of $25 or more receive an Active Alumni Member card.  

Don't forget to come see our halftime performances at every MSU home football game on the following dates:

September 16

September 23

October 21

October 28

November 11

For a complete video transcript, download here.

View our first video, where we revealed our new “Athletic” uniform look.

For those advocates who share the campaign on social media and motivate people to donate $250 (or more!) will receive the same incentives as those at the $250 monetary level. GO BEARS and GO SHARE!
Only 42 left!
Generate $250
A thank you from our PRIDE Bands, a social media shout out, a PRIDE Band commemorative sticker, and recognition in PRIDE Band print material for 2017-2018 school year.
Donate $25
A framed photo of the PRIDE Band – and the incentives listed above.
Donate $50
A PRIDE Band t-shirt and cap – and all the incentives listed above.
Donate $100
Framed PRIDE Band hat medallion worn on the current uniform – and all the incentives listed above. You are providing ½ the cost of one uniform! Thank you! NOTE:The hat medallion is a custom-designed sequin triangle adornment worn exclusively by the PRIDE Band on the front of the hat as part of the current uniform.
Donate $250
Your choice of a limited-edition custom designed pillow or handbag made from the actual current PRIDE Band uniform – and all the incentives listed above. THANK YOU! Your gift is covering the cost of one FULL UNIFORM for a PRIDE Band member.
Donate $500
Attend a unique and special donor event – and all the incentives listed above. Your gift will cover the cost of TWO uniforms.
Donate $1,000
Special seating as our guest at the 2017 Ozarko Marching Contest on Oct. 7, 2017, a PRIDE Band ensemble will perform (up to 30 members) at your special event (within 30 miles radius of Springfield and on an agreed upon date), acknowledgement in game day halftime script at all BEARS football games – and all the above incentives.
Donate $5,000
Just a few days remain...

We wanted to share a quick update as the Uniform Campaign comes to a close.  First, we would like to send a very sincere THANK YOU to everyone that has contributed, shared and advocated for our campaign.  It has been an incredible success even though we are still moving toward our goal.  Second, if you're considering end-of-year giving, please keep us in mind.  Big or small - - every dollar counts!  Your gift is tax deductible and will impact the students in the Pride Band Program for many, many years to come!  Finally, we want to wish you the very best in this season of giving!  THANK YOU for making a difference!  We hope to see you at our concerts and performances this spring!

2624 days ago by Amy Perkins
Here's the new video from Dr. Snow!

2699 days ago by Sandra Miller
A Very Generous Gift Along With A Matching Opportunity!

Longtime University Band supporters and special friends, Bill & Virginia Darr have recently made a tremendous contribution to our uniform campaign.  And!  They are offering to match every gift to the campaign up to $10,000!!!  We are so grateful for the generosity and support they continue to provide for our band students.  

Our marching season is now well underway and we're preparing for our second home game performance this Saturday afternoon.  We hope to see many of you in the stands!  

Next weekend, we will be traveling to Dallas, Texas to perform exhibition at the Bands Of America Regional in Southlake, TX.  This will be a huge recruiting opportunity for our band program, and we're looking forward to making a fantastic presentation for the many students and spectators in the audience!

2699 days ago by Amy Perkins
A new video from Dr. Snow!

It’s a really exciting time to be a Pride Bandsman!  With marching season getting underway, we’ve recently had some donors come forward with renewed interest in our uniform fundraising campaign!  With that said, we’re excited to announce the re-launch of the campaign! Excitement has been building around the band hall as several crates of new hats and plumes arrived last week. And! We’re expecting a shipment of trousers any day!  Please take a look at this video from Dr. Snow and consider joining our fundraising efforts this fall.
Go Bears and #BEARUP!

2706 days ago by Sandra Miller
Will you give to the new look of the band?

On behalf of the students and staff of the Pride Band, we want to offer our heartfelt THANKS to each and every one of you for supporting our Uniform Crowdfunding Campaign!  Whether it be your monetary gifts or by sharing this information… we couldn’t have come this far without you!  We have a few days left to the online portion of fundraising, and we’re asking you to consider a donation of any amount.  Over the next several years, these beautiful uniforms will be seen by literally millions of people at pre-game and halftime performances, regional and national exhibition appearances, prestigious parades, etc.  Your contribution will help ensure that the Pride Band continues to thrive and represent Missouri State in the best way possible.  #BEARUP

2786 days ago by Amy Perkins
Campaign Update

We have 16 days remaining on our uniform fundraising campaign, and we really want to ramp up our efforts as we approach June 29!  But!  We need your help!  Please consider reaching out to 5 people to whom you can email, text or send a Facebook personal message. Every single dollar counts!!! 

Also - stay tuned! The summer office staff is putting together an exciting video update that should be posted early next week! You won't want to miss it!

In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful summer weather!  Marching season will be here before you know it!

We appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your continued support of our PRIDE Band Program.

2799 days ago by Amy Perkins
Did you know?

Did you know that many companies will match their employees' gifts? Maybe even double or better yet, triple their gifts? Many companies will match their employees' contributions to qualifying charitable organizations. Directors, retirees and spouses of employees may also be eligible for a match. To find out if your company has a matching gift program, search our online database  of over 8,800 matching gift companies.

If your employer is found, specific instructions are provided and some companies have forms to download. If you do not find your company or detailed instructions, simply contact your human resource office for more information.

Bear UP!

2838 days ago by Amy Perkins
A Quick Update!

First, we want to thank you all for the outpouring of support for this project!  We have a great start, but we still have a long way to go! Please continue to share on your social media and send personal messages to friends to help spread the word!

Remember that anyone can donate OR advocate and help raise $250 to get the gold sequin medallion pictured below as a memento!  It will be removed from the hat and placed in a frame, perfect for your home or office.  There are limited quantities, so give or share to get your piece of history today! See the incentives listing on the left side of the page for full details on all the incentives.

2841 days ago by Amy Perkins
A Special Memorial Gift in honor of Haley-Jane Graham

Christy Groves Graham, Ed.D. Class of ‘79 and ‘84 and James F. Graham are making a special memorial gift of $1,000 to honor their daughter. We appreciate their generous support of this project and we want to share a little bit about Haley-Jane and her love for the PRIDE Band. Please read their moving tribute below.

Haley-Jane Elizabeth Graham ‘10

April 6, 1998 – September 17, 2010

My husband and I wish to donate to this project because the "Pride" meant so much to our daughter.  Her tenor saxophone teacher told her if she, "went out for Band", she would have 300 friends on the first day of school. That's pretty much what happened. She enjoyed her section, the social opportunities, and the dear, lasting friendships she made.   She was also in concert band, a jazz band, and her love, Lady Bears Basketball Band. She won a scholarship to be in band but was not a music major.  Haley loved her major. She earned a degree in Clothing, Textiles, and Merchandising Cum Laude. She loved her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi and just loved MSU! It was just the right school for her.

Her senior year she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She refused to come home. Her desire was to finish with her class and be close to a very significant boyfriend. Thanks to wonderful friends, family, and sometimes strangers, she was able to do that.  During the 2009-2010 school year she had four major surgeries, 3 rounds of chemo and 35 TOMA Radiation Treatments. She continued with her classes with a few accommodations. Her proudest moment was seeing her senior design collection at the Spring Fashion Show go across the stage. As her parents, our proudest moment was when her Rob pushed her across the stage to receive her degree. He also picked up his.

Haley passed away in September 2010 at age 22. She always believed she would be the miracle. She had grace, kindness and courage. Her strength was  absolutely amazing.

I know that she would have immediately responded to this request from "The Pride".  Someone asked her why she was in band? Her answer, " Well, where else can you get a hat like this!"

2847 days ago by Amy Perkins
Donor Maps
Class LeaderboardThe Class Leaderboard reflects giving from Alumni, Students, Parents
AffiliationDonors$ Raised
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon21%Alumni
Book icon8%Students
Parent icon18%Parents
Suitcase icon5%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon11%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Linnea Iantria photo
Linnea Iantria
Terry, Dennis, and Shane Sondermann photo
Terry, Dennis, and Shane Sondermann
Buffie M Coffman  photo
Buffie M Coffman
Bert & Shirley Worley photo
Bert & Shirley Worley
Zlata Roullett photo
Zlata Roullett
Cherie gaono  photo
Cherie gaono
Ella J Heigham photo
Ella J Heigham
Joy M Johno photo
Joy M Johno
Michael E Ravens photo
Michael E Ravens
Craig R Calvert photo
Craig R Calvert
View All Donors


Bill and Virginia Darr

Offered a $10,000 match

Community Advocates

Generated 13904 clicks and 29 gifts, totaling $1,865

Amy Perkins

Generated 2291 clicks and 9 gifts, totaling $1,460

Grace Wolfe

Generated 34 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $1,000

Aidan Robichaux

Generated 399 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $510

Samuel Faulkner

Generated 106 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $450

Grace Hopkins

Generated 557 clicks and 6 gifts, totaling $450

Catie Goetter

Generated 1735 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $325

Alyssa DeBolt

Generated 133 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $300

Sarah Vessell

Generated 53 clicks and 1 gift, totaling $250
View All Advocates