MSU Denver Sister Circles
Sister Circles, which resides in the Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion (CMEI) was created in 2018 with the intent for women of color to gather as a collective and explore the diverse experiences and needs of women attending Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver). This group focuses on providing a secure space for women of color to explore their identities, discuss challenges and strengths, and implement support through community building. The mission and values of Sister Circles includes healing, encouragement, understanding, learning, strength, growth, empowerment along with engaging in inclusivity.
Your Support
Sister Circles is raising funds and asking for your financial support to be applied to scholarships, professional development, and programming and activities that has an intentional focus on the issues impacting women and/or femmes of color. Your financial support will allow Sister Circles to provide financial assistance for books and technology for classes, scholarships to assist with tuition, leadership conferences and summits, and overall equity programming to address relevant and important issues women and/or femmes of color are experiencing.
Sister Circles is appreciative for any support you can give to us and thank you for your help in sharing our fundraising campaign with family, friends, and community so that we can empower women and/or femmes of color at the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) to foster personal development, leadership, community all the while affirming their intersectional identities.
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