Your donation to the Luther men's tennis program will be matched, dollar-for-dollar,* thanks to our generous challenge sponsors:
M.C. Anderson '54
Mark '10 and Kelsie (Allen) Mateski '10
Thomas Orser '09 and Ana Falcon
This is an exciting day for Luther men's tennis! To all of our alumni, family, friends, and Norse tennis supporters, this is an opportunity to help our program in a historic way during Luther's first ever One Team Day.
A few years ago, a donor came forward to provide us with a state-of-the-art outdoor venue, and now it is time to continue to enhance the experience for our student-athletes.
We are very appreciative of your continued support for the Norse tennis program!
*while funds are available
Norse Tennis Supporters, thank you for making our first annual One Team Day a memorable one! Sail Norse!
Coach Strand & Coach Rhoads
Norse Tennis Supporters, we are so thankful for your donations to our program! So far, the two teams have combined to raise $17,460! With less than four hours to go, can we climb to 20k for Luther Tennis?! Sail Norse!
Coach Strand & Coach Rhoads
1549 days ago by Adam StrandHi Norse Tennis Supporters,
The overall campaign for all of Norse athletics just surpassed 275k, so thank you again for being part of this historic day with us. You are making a difference in the lives of these student-athletes, so thank you again. Grateful doesn't even begin to describe it...
Also, check out some recent photos of our teams on social media and follow the Norse tennis program on Instagram, Twitter, & Facebook if you aren't already. Go Norse!
Coach Strand & Coach Rhoads
1550 days ago by Adam StrandWow! We are so blown away by your support today. This has been an incredible day for Luther Athletics and Luther Tennis. The Norse men's tennis team has almost received 9k in donations and there is still time to show your support for these outstanding young men. We are humbled and grateful for the generosity that has been shown by so many already today. Every gift, big or small, makes an impact! Go Norse!
Coach Strand & Coach Rhoads
1550 days ago by Adam StrandWe have surpassed our daily goal for both tennis teams! Men's Tennis has raised over $7,500 and Women's Tennis over $5,000. Thank you so much for all of your donations and support. Our teams are very appreciative! Let's keep it going and see how much we can raise. Go Norse!
1550 days ago by Dustin RhoadsThank you so much for your generosity! In the first few hours we already are 1/3 of the way towards our Team Goal for the day! We are so incredibly grateful and appreciative of your support! Please feel free to spread the word to others to help support us!
Coach Strand & Coach Rhoads
1550 days ago by Adam StrandDonors
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